1. Explain what the phrase Formal Elements means in photography.

In photography formal element means using the 6 elements in your photos creating the awareness of these different elements with composition and conveying the meaning of your photograph.

2. Can an image show just one element at a time? Justify your answer.

I think if you purposing try to capture only one element you can achieve it. But mostly in photos you can find more than one element because of the natural ways of forms.


line:  Arrangement of lines, guides the eye around the image, often placing emphasis on the subject matter or conveying a sense of movement


shape: Shapes in a form of patterns used to emphasis to part of the frame. Shapes can create contrast between the subject and their environment.

The contrast of shades bring out the unique shape used in this photo.

pattern: Elements that are shown repeated and organized into rhythm, patterns.


texture: Element of touch,  a visual representation of how something feels,( rough, smooth, soft, prickly…).


tone: Defines the lightness or darkness of a color.


focus: The focus control centers on a part of the image, and when in focus the area is clear, sharp, and detailed, with distinctions between forms.






Understanding Texture in Photography


The Importance of Focus in Photography