Photographer: Saul Leiter

5 Characteristics

  • blurry
  • tone
  • angle
  • point of focus
  • reflective/reflections

My chosen artist’s photographs abstract because they show use of shooting through a frame, collecting the scenery during rain and uses soft focus to create a painterly effect in his photographs. I like his style because I feel like his photos show calmness and gives a cold chilly feeling which is unique in photography. This artist inspires me by his special perspective and ways of photography, I like the idea of capturing photos of water/rain.


Why did you choose this image in particular: Picture 3

•What do you find surprising or unusual about this photograph?

I like the flash of the person walking through the shot. It brings story and feeling to the photo.

•Look carefully and choose ONE of the Formal Elements that you think is important in the photograph (E.g. Focus, Light, Line, Repetition, Shape, Texture, Value/Tone).

The texture of frozen water on the car window frame is important for this photo. It brings the atmosphere of season and weather, the cold also reminds people of memories from times in snow season. (or color maybe)

•Describe why you think it is important (2 or 3 sentences)

It really brings out the cold/chill feeling of the photo. It creates a boarder for the photo that makes a contrast in the tones.



LOOK CLOSER: For the Love of Saul Leiter, by Rob Wilson

Saul Leiter