Design Reflection
The problem we are trying to solve is how we can make a cup of hot water stay warm longer.
This is how we made our cup warmer: First we cut two rectangles, three cup lids which is three circles and we also cut three small rectangle that fits around the circle, they are all EVA foam. We also used some Velcro and a lot of cotton balls also hot glue.
Then we need to put cotton balls in between the two rectangles and glue it together so it looks like a long pillow, after that we glue one cup lid to a circle piece of cardboard and glue a circle piece of alum foil on the other side of the cardboard x2. Then we put alum foil on one of the sides of the long pillow too, after that we wrap the long pillow, around the cardboard. Then we put Velcro on both sides of the long pillow (there should be a place that has no foam) , we stick Velcro on one side of the rectangle and the other side should be stuck to the cup and we do this twice and one the other side of the cup should have Velcro on too so it can stick together. Lastly, we wrap the last rectangle on the other cup lid, and we’re done.
One regarding for my cup warmer is that its looks are really good.
One claim about my cup warmer is that it needs some improving in the fitting good part because we accidently glued the bottom wrong, so it makes the cup look a bit crooked.
One thing I’m proud of is that our cup warmer kept the heat level really hot the whole time. One thing I would do differently is to change the cardboard to something that would not turn wet when it touches water.
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