To start, I have rated “Control Own Life, Achieve Greatness” and “Education” as the two beliefs I agree with the most. Humanists believed that they could take control of anything in their lives and not be constrained by religious beliefs and so-called rules. I agree with this belief that Humanists had because nowadays, in the modern world, people always seek freedom to do whatever they like or enjoy, but in the meantime, not get bothered by any external factors or beliefs that are rigid and strict. For example, I usually obtain the right to decide what I want to do, like trying out for a sport, reading different books, etc. I could imagine how people lived under strict laws and rules before Humanism appeared when religious ideas sometimes restricted one’s actions.
I also agree with the importance of education because it could ultimately decide a person/society’s future and influence. Humanists took responsibility for their own lives and enjoyed being part of discoveries, seeking new knowledge, etc. Multiple famous figures were also brought up to realize the importance of education and gathered texts from all over Europe. By doing this, they have promoted art, languages, architecture, government, anatomy, etc., which has affected the education route. I believe education could make people more open-minded about situations, gain practical knowledge in future years, and possibly influence others.
I have rated a four (agree) on “Focusing on individual achievements over social class” and “Renewing classical texts/arts/ideas.” I believe people should be valued and graded on their achievements rather than their given social class at birth. Social classes shouldn’t be the frame of a person’s inner wealth and intelligence. What a person contributes positively to the society or their potential and power should be more critical.
Renewing classical works is also important to me because by improving on old classical texts, more modern ideas could be added to them, and people would see the contrast and difference within them, possibly combining ancient and modern ideas to create the best and definitive texts and theories that could influence the society better. For example, there might be a theory in the past about how governments should work. However, some ideas in that theory might be outdated and could not be accomplished within the setting now. Thus people could renew this theory, possibly keep a little of the core idea, and propose more information about how modern governments work.
Last but not least, the changes in government. The humanists separated the state and church, thus creating more chances to invite modern thinking about government and politics. I feel this is crucial because if people didn’t do this, it might take a while for modern thinking to appear in governments, which could have considerably changed the history of Humanism.
Overall, I agree with most ideas that humanists have believed. And this is why I gave myself the percentage of 99% humanist.
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