
“Open your suitcase for others to see, because the world needs you and the things you carry.”    — Susan Cain

In Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverted Kids by Susan Cain, introversion is portrayed throughout the story. This book addresses commonly held stereotypes, misconceptions, and individual definitions through various narratives of students across the globe and the challenges they encounter in their specific “introverted” behaviors. Through these anecdotes, the hidden power of introverts gradually reveals, indicating their immense value under the layer of bias and misinterpretation. Susan Cain’s valuable advice and elucidation of bias against introversion indeed grant readers a more profound comprehension of this specific characteristic.

1) “Both introverts and extroverts are uniquely suited to meet the demands of a complex workplace and were born to rule.”

The first theme I have identified in this book is “Introverts can do anything that extroverts do.” In just the first few pages of the book, I realized that some characters had faced a challenge because of their introverted characteristics, and they wanted to change. By accumulating enough courage and dedication, they took a step many could not do and proved their worth by performing something that extroverts could do. Inevitably, it is true that extroverts have the tendency to exhibit particular strengths, but that does not exclude introverts from claiming those strengths as well. Susan Cain also addresses that introverts are not antisocial; they are just differently social. It is not something that needs to be fixed, but rather a quality with unique advantages. Introverts have the same traits and potential as anyone else, but sometimes it might take a while to shine like the others.

“Don’t think of introversion as something that needs to be cured…Spend your free the way you like, not how you think you’re supposed to.”

Meanwhile, talking about social issues portrayed in the book, judgment, misunderstandings, and bias is present. “Introverts are misunderstood due to the negative stereotypes, unawareness of the introversion spectrum, and the pressure of society to abide by extroverted characteristics.” Moreover, because of the misinterpretations towards introverts, challenges and problems were produced that were confronted by the characters in the story: struggling to speak up, being bullied by others, not gaining enough attention/trust from teachers, etc. However, because of these stereotypes and misconceptions, introversion has gained enough awareness in society and has proven introverts’ value along with extroverts.

“Quiet is might. Solitude is strength. Introversion is power.”

Introverts have the potential to become leaders. In the previous paragraph, I mentioned the majority’s common misconceptions about introverts. When the word “leader” is mentioned, people often think of those who are active, outgoing, and talkative, also known as extroverts, as they mostly suit the expectations of leaders. This is often true in most cases, as introverts are also routinely passed over for leadership positions. However, in Susan Cain’s Ted Talk speech, she claims that introverts could sometimes deliver better outcomes than extroverts regarding leadership since “they’re much more likely to let those employees run with their ideas and listen.”

“The most effective leaders are not motivated by a desire to control events or to be in the spotlight. They are motivated by the desire to advance ideas and new ways of looking at the world or to improve the situation of a group of people.”

Speaking of leadership and its mutual relationship with introversion, some famous leaders have made it to the peak of success as introverts themselves: Bill Gates, Eleanor Roosevelt, Eileen Fisher, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, etc. In the story, Susan mentioned the term “stretching one’s rubber band,” meaning that introverts could stretch themselves for a while but must take a short break as the rubber band loosens. For instance, I, who identifies as an introvert, can also be that kid who leads classroom projects, speaks on stage with pride, and is the leading actor in theater performances. This unique skill strengthens the flexibility of introverts as they practice “stretching their rubber bands” and ultimately become more comfortable in their situation.

In conclusion, this book details how society vastly underestimates introverts teaches us what introverts and extroverts can learn from one another, and proves the value of introverts. Please check out the other books Susan Cain has written if you want to read more!


Works Cited

Vaults, Makayla. “Introverts Are Misunderstood.” North Texas Daily, 11 Feb. 2020, www.ntdaily.com/introverts-are-misunderstood.

Kahnweiler, Jennifer B., PhD. “Stereotyping Introverts.” Jennifer Kahnweiler, 8 Sept. 2020, jenniferkahnweiler.com/stereotyping-introverts.

inc.com. www.inc.com/larry-kim/why-introverts-now-rule-the-world.html.

Rowley, Luke. “Quiet Power Summary and Review.” Four Minute Books, 21 Sept. 2022, fourminutebooks.com/quiet-power-summary.

Cup Insulator Design Challenge


Cup Insulator Inside
Cup Insulator Outside


The problem we’re trying to solve here is that it is turning cold, and the teachers are drinking hot drinks, but it gets cold really easily, so we’re trying to invent something that keeps the drinks hot.


I used the engineering and design process and first we investigated the materials, and then we talked to each other, discussing which materials we should use. Then, we drew a model and included all the materials we needed. After that we collected and started our 1st prototype. We found out it didn’t work really well so we made another model and started our 2nd prototype.


Claim: Our project kept the heat for a long time and worked really well.

Evidence: Due to our data, the temperature of the hot water only dropped 11.1 degrees (from 89.7 to 78.6) and without our product, the temperature dropped 20.9 degrees.

Reasoning: Our product kept the heat for a really long time and worked really well because of the layers and designs we made. The first layer, which is a little EVA Foam, which keeps the water hot, the second layer is the Tin foil, and it helps trapping the heat inside. The third layer of our product is another layer of EVA Foam, but lots this time, the fourth layer is Styrofoam and the last is cloth with tin foil tape wrapped around. All of this all either traps or keeps the heat inside because the heat cannot go through the materials and bounces back. So, the heat wont easily escapes from the mug.


What are you proud of?

I am proud of myself finishing this product while collaborating and compromising with my group mates. We went through many difficulties during the designing part, but we’ve overcame it. I am really proud that it was a success.

What is the hardest thing about this project?

Some difficulties were that it was hard to communicate with each other, because we had different views and ideas of how to make/design our product, but at last we came with 1 idea that combines each of our ideas. Another difficulty was that we found out we couldn’t use the hot glue as our cap, because it will melt. So, we tried with another material and it turned out great. We observed the things that should be improved, and we did it.