As a lazy and messy person, a place to hold all my belongings and tools such as blank paper and pencil & pen is a great desire, since I am too lazy to get up and get a blank A4 paper or a pencil or my school articles, I’d rather think “I could do that later!”.

But this thinking causes me to have many problems like a messy table since I just put all my articles and paper and pens on the table and mess up everything-. But then, I had an idea of a box, that takes up some space but can organize every supply I needed, pens, pencils, papers, school stuff…etc, and that’s the moment when I decided to make this project.

At first, I had a picture of a box that had 2 dividers and that’s all, but then, I thought of a place to hold my pens and erasers. So I think of a box that’s connected to the wall which then I had space for my stationery. After that, I felt like two dividers that created space wasn’t enough, so I thought of adding one at the bottom, and that’s basically my thinking process.

But in the end, I wasn’t careful enough, I measured a bunch of my pieces wrong, which then forced me to change the entire look of the box, such as abandoning the small box to hold erasers, changing the position of my dividers, changing the position of my long box to hold pens. Luckily, I was able to save my project and make it kind of look like I wasn’t making any mistakes…

As for the skills I’ve grown, I’ve grown a bunch, why? Anyone would after recreating every slide after finishing it, drawing fit points line, finding tools that haven’t been introduced such as polygon, again recreating slides because of forgetting bridges on every circle, and shape; or just trying to “copy” a shape from the internet, it was a process of true torturing & pain & miserable.

Something cool is that I survive, after brain pain and headaches, and one skill of making and giving better looks of your design, any design, I’d recommend is to use the extend&break. Those are the tools that would be the oasis in this pure miserable process.


Answering the question since I’m lazy about writing paragraphs:

What tips, tricks, and advice would you give to the incoming students?

Tips, tricks, and advice I would give to those incoming are, please ask the teacher, ask the teacher about everything, and do annoy the teacher else you would be annoyed. The process of changing and correcting mistakes is painful and aren’t like correcting an essay, it is just suffering and tear of regret.

And if I know that I should ask the teacher often, maybe I wouldn’t need to change my entire project’s look into an entirely different thing because of the wrong measurements.

What would you, individually, do differently if could go back and do the class over?

I would surely spend more time planning instead of rushing over and screwing up everything in the end.

Because my design ideas, sure, weren’t the best, but even though my work effort would probably be 4.5 out of 5, the mistakes of bad plan lift, no, triple the challenge, making the level of difficulty from probably 5 out of ten to 8, “challenged” my self to the edge of collapse.

What would you (the student) want to be changed about the course so I (the teacher) can make improvements to the course?

Really, the cause of my problems was basically all my fault, Ms. Kim did a wonderful job of trying to make everything easy and less complicated and decrease the level of headaches, but what’s the problem is that I didn’t listen to the advice Ms. Kim given to us at the beginning of the course, “Ask the teacher”, so there’s really wasn’t any advice I would give to Ms. Kim because of the hard-working she is and always trying to help everyone with their problems and did fantastic on explaining the tools and courses.