author(original):Langston Hughes


The story comes from the first several paragraph from the short story “yes ma’am”

For my Found poem, it was found in the passage Thanks ma’am, this poem include both external and internal conflict, saying external conflict first, the part that shows the external conflict is about when the boy wants to steal her purse but his plan had failed and he got kicked by Mrs. Jones” a boy ran. up and snatch her purse but the boy’s weight and the weight of the purse caused him to lose his balance , the boy fell on the woman and kicked his blue jeaned sitter”. This showed that it is man versus man cause there is only movement between people and people. The internal conflict is when the part she was asking the boy why is he stealing his pocket book which give the boy a lot of feeling of oppression which caused to be scared about the woman( for usual, people wants to ran away cause it is way too scary.” kicked his blue jeaned sitter and shook him until she said. “Now you ashamed of yourself, the boy said”yes’m”. this part showed that he was really scared of this woman because he is caught by the woman.


For the picture, there is a purse which is related to the woman’s purse and there is also a pocketbook as a picture cause in detail, the boy had steal the pocketbook, the light shows that it is in a really late time( it is almost impossible to open a light on road in the morning or afternoon) the picture of pants is about the blue jeans cause the woman had kicked his blue jeans and the last pic which there is two people which shows the part about the part that the woman shook him.