Part 1
At the start of the unit I could choose to design anything I wanted. I decided to make a lamp. My lamp was to provide mood lighting in my bedroom, and it could also be cool to have something I made in my bedroom.
At the start I had the light bulb sticking out of the lamp and every face decorated, but then I realized it was too hard to make the bulb fit perfectly and that the bottom wasn’t going to be seen, so I made it into a cube with the lamp inside and plain on the bottom (also added “tissue paper”).
I searched lamp designs on Google, and then I combined 5 of the designs together into my lamp (because every design had every face identical). I had squares, rectangles, random shapes, random bigger shapes, and a ying yang symbol on the top. I think overall my design was successful because I got to finish it and it looks nice.
Part 2
During this process, I learned how to use a lot of tools in Fusion. During the process ofmaking my design, I did not really find anything challenging, but I think making the random shapes on one of my sides was really frustrating because some of the shapes drawn multiple times and they were overlapping, and I had to delete them on by one. However, it was cool because that side looked really nice at the end. When I was stuck, the first thing I did was go to the teacher, because it stopped me from getting stuck on one thing for too long.
part 3
One tip would be to pay more attention at the start when the teacher is introducing how to use each tool so you would know what to do later in the course. Personally, I would have chosen to sit with people who work better instead of those who don’t pay attention. I think the course was nice.
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