
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Benjamin

Ashed Village

In this video made by me and Kevin, we illustrate the potential effects and risks of climate change as a village gets destroyed.


Part 1

At the start of the unit I could choose to design anything I wanted. I decided to make a lamp. My lamp was to provide mood lighting in my bedroom, and it could also be cool to have something I made in my bedroom.

At the start I had the light bulb sticking out of the lamp and every face decorated, but then I realized it was too hard to make the bulb fit perfectly and that the bottom wasn’t going to be seen, so I made it into a cube with the lamp inside and plain on the bottom (also added “tissue paper”).

I searched lamp designs on Google, and then I combined 5 of the designs together into my lamp (because every design had every face identical). I had squares, rectangles, random shapes, random bigger shapes, and a ying yang symbol on the top. I think overall my design was successful because I got to finish it and it looks nice.

Part 2

During this process, I learned how to use a lot of tools in Fusion. During the process ofmaking my design, I did not really find anything challenging, but I think making the random shapes on one of my sides was really frustrating because some of the shapes drawn multiple times and they were overlapping, and I had to delete them on by one.  However, it was cool because that side looked really nice at the end. When I was stuck, the first thing I did was go to the teacher, because it stopped me from getting stuck on one thing for too long.

Wood Lamp Wooden Lamp Table Lamp Rustic Light Geometric - Etsy | Rustic table lamps, Wood lamps, LampTable lamp - PATTERN - BOHEME DESIGN - metal / original design / cube

part 3

One tip would be to pay more attention at the start when the teacher is introducing how to use each tool so you would know what to do later in the course. Personally, I would have chosen to sit with people who work better instead of those who don’t pay attention. I think the course was nice.

Fighting for the End of Injustice

I was known as Gabin.  I lived in Paris, only two districts away from the terrific Bastille. My only roommates were the only seven friends I had, and we worked in a wheat field as peasants. We were part of the Third Estate, which contained all of the unprivileged and the peasants. We worked extremely hard for our own lives, yet something I never stop regretting happens to bring me imprisoned in the horrific Bastille…




The French Revolution was a tremendously significant event of French History, yet many aspects of the country remained the same. People often call the Revolution “Years of Blood”, showing how violence and mass killings had continued to happen throughout these homicidal years, which is something very common in revolutions. Key events with mass killings include the September Massacres and the Reign of the Terror. Moreover, Roman Catholicism existed during the entire Revolution. Catholicism still remained the main religion for most of the time in the years of the Revolution. These two were what stayed the same from prior Revolution to after Revolution.



Regardless of all the similarities compared to pre-Revolution, the Revolution has brought life-changing modifications to the country.  One of the outstanding changes we have succeeded to make was equality over the population.  The Declaration of Rights of Man was evident for this and it demonstrated that the law was superior to anything else. It ensured that everyone was born to, unlike before, be treated equally, and ended many nobles’ rights. Additionally, the Revolution had established democracy, which meant that the monarchy no longer existed and feudalism was abandoned. The Execution of the King was a great example of this evolution, because from that moment Louis XVI no longer had a head, no one came to dictate the country and its people, and the new yet stronger democratic government was established. These two changes have acted as evidence as our hard work throughout the entire battle for our own goods, and shown how peasants can also change the country, or even the world.

The homicidal path to another Monarchy

This bloody way to victory started in France. The nation lived under a monarchy, under the old Regime. This socio-political system split apart the privileged and the unprivileged. The unprivileged, which was also known as the third of the three estates, had approximately 98% of the population. These were mostly consisted of peasants and working-class people, and they had to do things like pay taxes. Moreover, they were dictated by the king and the Government. Up to 1789, everything remained the same, however in that year bloody events started to take place. During that year, France was bankrupt, mostly because the population had grown too fast for the food supplies to keep up. Leading to a famine, food prices were rising. Louis XVI, the king,  convened the Estates-General. Because the third estate wanted votes by heads, as they had the majority of the population, they were kicked out of the meeting. Nevertheless, they had soon found a tennis court nearby to form the National Assembly in June 1789. This was the foreshadowing of the Revolution, including sanguineous battles. Watch our video to find out more about the French Revolution!

Introverted Potential

Quiet Power, a nonfiction book by Susan Cain, describes how introverts can often become greater people than most of the popularity. Unlike many, this book does not tell one single story. It has many different stories of successful young introverts and strategies that led them to greatness. Most of those characters started as being quiet, friendless, and discriminated in some way. One of the central ideas for this book is that people should never think less of introverts.

During day 6, I identified some of the big ideas of the book and connected them to some evidence and events I found in the book.


In day 9, the big idea of the lesson was being aware of when you don’t understand a passage or an important one. On this page, I researched about Shakespeare and Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

On this page, I discovered two of the central ideas in the book and found evidence of them, including direct quotes and explanations. The two central ideas are “Quiet people possess leadership abilities” and “Introverts aren’t always negative”.


On the first day,  I identified central ideas, social issues, and themes in the beginning of the book about introverts.

Thank you for being patient and watching my blog post on my notes about the book Quiet Power, including some central ideas, big ideas, social issues, and themes. If you are interested in this book, you can buy it on amazon.

54% Humanist

54% humanist by BH

The Deadly Button

This found poem comes from the short story “Button button” by Richard Matheson. It shows a character versus character conflict between Norma, the protagonist, and Arthur, the antagonist. The story starts with Mr. Steward giving them a button. He explains that if they press the button, someone they don’t know will die, whilst they receive 50000 dollars. In the rising action, the two people started to be very confused, then Norma slowly switched her mind around, wanting to use the button. Nonetheless, Arthur keeps his morality and denies the idea of the button. This causes the conflict between them. Towards the end of the story, the climax happens. Norma presses the button and surprisingly, the person she loves the most, Arthur, dies. The last sentence of the story goes like “My dear lady,” Mr. Steward said. “Do you really think you knew your husband?”. He was saying that because when they were having the conflict, although Norma keeps on trying to brainwash Arthur with the idea of going to Europe and have a better life, she didn’t know what kind of person Arthur exactly is. Hopefully this story can let the reader learn that we must keep our morality and using unethical ways to do things don’t always give out the best results.

Cup insulator design challenge reflection


Lucas & Benjamin

Autumn is here, and the temperature is getting colder. The hot water turns cold very quickly, and our goal was to make a cup insulator that will keep the water hot, and not burn yourself with the hot water.

We first made a prototype that covered the cup, so that we could copy it with the evafoam. It went really well, we could fit the cup easily, we would burn ourselves and the insulator felt really good. The only big problem we had was that it was hard to take out, and the dried hot glue sticking out of the edges made our insulator look ugly.

For our cup insulator, we fixed the issue that is looks bad

Here is the reflection

But anyway, here is what out cup looks like now, after we cut off the dried glue edges.

I am really proud that me and my partner worked together and compromised.

Next time, we will try to focus on looks more, and we will try to make it easier to use.

The hardest thing of this project was to glue the shape together, as we were making an insulator that covers the cup.

We learned that teamwork was important, and that we should use the prototype.

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