This found poem comes from the short story “Button button” by Richard Matheson. It shows a character versus character conflict between Norma, the protagonist, and Arthur, the antagonist. The story starts with Mr. Steward giving them a button. He explains that if they press the button, someone they don’t know will die, whilst they receive 50000 dollars. In the rising action, the two people started to be very confused, then Norma slowly switched her mind around, wanting to use the button. Nonetheless, Arthur keeps his morality and denies the idea of the button. This causes the conflict between them. Towards the end of the story, the climax happens. Norma presses the button and surprisingly, the person she loves the most, Arthur, dies. The last sentence of the story goes like “My dear lady,” Mr. Steward said. “Do you really think you knew your husband?”. He was saying that because when they were having the conflict, although Norma keeps on trying to brainwash Arthur with the idea of going to Europe and have a better life, she didn’t know what kind of person Arthur exactly is. Hopefully this story can let the reader learn that we must keep our morality and using unethical ways to do things don’t always give out the best results.
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