Potential ideas:
- Wind-up toy
- Pros: Easy to make and should not take long.
- Cons: Would not be too complicated and would be too easy to make as well as being extremely prone to breaking.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=802IfBxf140
- This video shows an extremely straightforward design for a wind-up car, but if I choose to follow this design, I will employ gears to create a more complicated wind-up toy.
- Summary: The toy will be easy to use, similar to that of traditional wind-up toys.
- Energy: The winding mechanism will transfer elastic potential energy into kinetic energy.
- Challenge: ★☆☆☆☆
- Water turbine
- Pros: Many resources online to teach me how to build and design the machine.
- Cons: This requires some knowledge of 3D printing, and I need to learn how circuits work.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqdaWFHn1Tc
- The video shows a medium-scale design of a water turbine, but if I choose to make a device similar to this, I will probably scale it down.
- Summary: The water turbine will be able to light up a light bulb or an LED while it is being spun.
- Energy: The water turbine will use the falling water as gravitational energy to turn the turbine, turning the generator with kinetic energy that creates electrical energy.
- Challenge: ★★★★☆
- Drum
- Pros: Building should be simple and easy to make.
- Cons: I have limited knowledge of what the design of the device should be like.
- The motor has multiple ‘sticks’ attached, and sticks hit a balloon spread across a cup.
- Summary: The spinning motor will generate sound by hitting the ‘drum’.
- Energy: The kinetic energy of the motor will allow the ‘sticks’ to hit the ‘drum’ creating sound energy.
- Challenge: ★★☆☆☆
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