Wooden Design Lantern

I will put the lantern on something like this to hang because there is a hole on top to make it more convenient.The lantern design I made was not a complicated one but it was also not a plain box with designs on it. I put many features on the lantern such as separating the pattern and the frame. A few things I would recommend is don’t use the paper model as close reference because it is very inaccurate. I would also say use a lot of logic and double check. If I could go back to the start of this project, I would have made the base and the top larger but thats just for the looks and isn’t for any practical reason at all. If i were to remove one part of the unit, I would remove the part when we need to do the paper or lessen the requirements so that we only have to do one side because the paper part slowed me down tremendously and did not give me accurate measurements.

The Revolution and Castro’s Cuba in Plain English

This video is about the Cuban Revolution and its effects on Cuba and its society.

Made by: Justin, Arthur and Caleb.

This video represents the change that can occur due to revolution. Castro came from a relatively wealthy family but he wanted to change Cuba. Castro was not in a position of power and would most likely never be because of Batista’s dictatorially rule. The allies that Castro meets is significant and the insurgency he summons is admirable. This shows that one person can cause enough change that it is engrained in world history forever no matter how unlikely it is. Revolution is important for change to occur and it is necessary to change the world in a positive or negative fashion. I learned that revolution can be fought in many different ways. For example, it can be displayed through protest, strikes and tactical warfare. I also learned that one person that may seem insignificant can change many things in the world.

The Cuban revolution was a bloody revolt between Batista’s forces and the M-26-7. The M-26-7 waged guerilla warfare against Batista’s forces which ultimately led to M-26-7 victory. The leaders of M-26-7, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara became the new leaders of Cuba. In their rule, they led Cuba to join the USSR and play an important role in the cold war and world history.



Google It, Central Ideas and themes

The book “Google It” by Anna Crownley Redding is about the real life story about the big journey of a small start up to a world wide search engine and company that is used around the world. That company was quite obviously named Google. Throughout the story e can see Larry and Sergey go from indecisive roommates to successful businessmen. Along the way, it can seen that Larry and Sergey stuck to their core beliefs even though they would have to take a longer road to achieve.

An extremely visible central idea that kept showing up was that the users preference was always right. Somewhat like the customer is always right in some stores. Throughout the story, there are multiple clear instances that Google did not believe in mindlessly pressing ads because that was against the users interest. Larry and Sergey knew this because they were users of Excite and Yahoo. They said that they hated banner ads with a passion and understood how bad it looks for the eyes.

After reading a bit further and summarizing what I read, I read about the profit that google was making 0 dollars and 0 cents. Google made no money because they didn’t to press ads. Eventually it became a problem because the google server needed a lot of money to run. They hired a man named Eric Schmidt. Eric Schmidt helped them make money by buying start up companies like Adsense and invested in research for programs that sort ads that are most relevant for the users. Something I noticed was that at first they all argued with each other. Larry and Sergey argued when they first met and Larry, Sergey and Eric argued when they first met but after getting over the initial problems, they strongly benefit each other and Google.

A theme that links back to the central idea is to not chase money and focus on making your work better. This is quite obvious because throughout the book, google constantly buys or invests in research that can benefit its users and benefit the company then think about the profits that they want. They also are known to withdraw from things that contradict with their mission statement such as their relationship with China. The Chinese marketplace was vast and full of opportunity that would provide a lot of profit. Although China had a vast market, China wanted Google to self censor “offensive” topics on the Chinese version. Google refused but launched Google in China anyway. I was a bit confused on why but as I read on, the book revealed that Google was not self censoring but it was the Chinese government who censored it today. I was still confused because as you know currently Google is not available in China. I found out that Google actually realized that Google in China was never going to work out so when Chinese human rights activists were getting hacked and the hackers were traced backed to China, Google cut ties with China and withdrew.

Thank you for reading all of my post and more importantly, if you are interested in reading Google It, I suggest you click on this link to inquire more about the book and possibly the author too.

Humanism Infographic

Am I a Renaissance Humanist? by Caleb Toh

Humanism Definition: https://americanhumanist.org/what-is-humanism/definition-of-humanism/

Human Nature: https://study.com/academy/lesson/humanism-in-the-renaissance-recognizing-the-beauty-of-the-individual.html

Individualism: https://www.vanderbilt.edu/olli/class-materials/Session_4_Presentation_Italian_Renaissance.pdf

Rational: https://www.giffordlectures.org/books/morality-religious-and-secular/2-rational-humanism

Will They Accept Me? -Humanities Found Poem Written by Caleb Toh


The conflict in the found poem based off of the text “Fan Club written by Rona Maynard is internal because the meaning of my found poem was that the main character was very lonely, and I used more pessimistic words such as pointless and some sentences like “Someday they will accept her in the poem because I think it brings out the character to the reader and makes her being lonely more authentic through the text. The conflict is within herself and there is no antagonist because it is just the protagonist doubting herself for the whole time because she thinks that people won’t accept her, and she ends up thinking that everything is false and pointless. The design of my poster cooperates with the fact that she is very lonely in school. The background is one person with nobody around for miles and I chose grey words because they match the lonely color and really hide behind the wallpaper just like she hides behind others. The one really important thing about my design is that it is mismatched and not normal which really shows that she is obviously not normal and mismatched in normal society. She is also laughed at in the story to emphasize the fact that she is not able to fit in because there is different with her or whatever the reader may think because I left out an explanation for why people didn’t like her on purpose to let the reader decide what happens in the future or why she is sticking out. 

Canva Link in case it’s too blur:


Corn Remover

The biggest obstacle that I faced was definitely cutting the cardboard in a straight line because I was cutting on the floor. This also means that my greatest success is cutting the cardboard in a straight line. I think my project relates to the real world because at many barbecue parties I see that many people argue on how to properly eat corn and there is much corn left on the cob after people eat. By making sure all sides are cut off, we can make it easier to eat and can be scooped up just like the McDonalds corn. One thing that i’ll tell a future student to use more practical materials and make a design more complicated and compact. Overall, I think my prototype was a success because I was able to achieve what I wanted and the design has a lot of practicality.