
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Humanities

Eee&Jerry capstone video

Flowers In The Gutter

FlowerIn the Gutter by .K.R.Gaddy it is about in the world war two, three kids that fight for what they believe. This story is told from the perspective of the three child, showing how they grow, and show how they fight for they believe in, in the book they faces many problem such as seeing their parents get caught. With in the story we learn about how is the world war two in a child review.


This is when I first started to read the book and taking notes about it, and finding the big ideas in each paragraph, that we practice in class.


In lesson 5 we practice to find the strong opinion words in the book,  and I saw the first central ideas”resistance the unequal when you saw unequal you should stand up to resistance” in so many place in the book fighting for their right, trying to resistance what is wrong, and I very admire the people that is brave to stand up to resistance.


In lesson three we practice to rewrite our reading notes and write it in another way, so I chooses a web to organized the notes that I take about the main character jean, about his childhood.


I find out the second central ideas in the book “to fight for what you believe you should fight for the thing you believe in when someone don’t allow the thing you believe” and finding the evidence about where the author telling us about the central ideas using web graph to organized, and explaining the connections between each evidence.




Renaissance Humanist Poster

I agree with the idea and I think that we need to let more people to learn about our world.

where I am from

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