Formal Elements in photography are the elements used in taking photos. These elements include line, shape, pattern, texture, value, and focus.
The lines in photography use lines to create visual interest and convey information in images. Lines can be used to guide the audience’s attention, create depth, and even create a sense of movement.
Photo by Irargerich
The shape defines a flat, enclosed spatial area. Shapes are composed of colors and lines, but all shapes are limited to two-dimensional dimensions.
Photo by Jacqueline Walters
The elements in the scene reappear in a predictable manner. Patterns can be seen everywhere and are commonly found in shapes, colors, or textures.
Photo by Pixabay
The visual quality of an object’s surface is displayed through changes in shape, hue, and color depth. Textures bring vitality and vitality to images that originally looked dull and dull.
Photo by CorazondeDios
The value defines the brightness of a given color or tone. When visualizing a value as a ratio or gradient from dark to light, it can be better understood. The more color tone changes in an image, the lower the contrast.
Photo by Andreas Feininger
The focus is the area used by the lens to highlight objects, people, or situations. It is the process of adjusting the lens to find the maximum resolution, clarity, and contrast of the selected theme.
Photo by Leonardo Papera
An image can present many elements at a time, these elements are not the limitations of the photo, it is just a way to make photographs of different kind. A photo can include many elements to show its specialness and value. Having more elements in a photograph could make it seems more interesting and more beautiful.