Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity

Go to this Sway

My character is called Richard, he is 23 years old and has been suffering in the unequal society as a peasant for his whole life until the revolution.He is a cowardice person and never wants to express himself. During the revolution, he defeated his fear and helped France to become a loving country.

I think the French Revolution cannot be determined whether if it is worth it or not. It depends on which side you are during that time. The aim of the revolution is to have liberty, equality, and fraternity in the society. So the peasant would think that the revolution is worth it, they’ve got what they wanted and made the three estate equal. However, the people from the first and second class would feel unfair. The French Revolution made their power decrease and many people were sacrificed. They were at the top of France before the revolution, but after the revolution, they lost their power and were equal with the third estate, which they also hate.

The Bloody Time of France


“Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death; – the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Guillotine!”

If you like to learn about bloody wars in history, the French Revolution is the best choice. This video highlights the key events that happened in the French Revolution. It talks about how it started to how it ends, where peasants were treated badly and the nobles were superiors. Things such as, the third class was forced to meet in an indoor tennis court to form an assembly, and the execution of the upper class and the meaningless killing of the peasants were all involved in the French revolution. Then it ends with an equal society and a success of the revolution. See about the details of all the surprising and bloody events during the French Revolution in the video below.

“Trapped” in the Blog

The book Trapped by Marc Aronson is about 33 miners trapped under the 2000 feet underground San José. Because San José is far away, there was no rescue room for the trapped miners, so the 33 miners had to face many challenges. They suffer from hunger, but the strong relationship among them did not let them lose hope. They decided to divide the food and water so they each have the same amount and to keep them alive. While the miners were trapped under, the people above also tried really hard to save them. This rescue plan was watched by the whole world, and everyone wanted to save them. After many days, they finally found the miners under San José, to help them to get out, the rescue team asked NASA for help. With the help from all around the world, the rescue team invented The Phoenix  and successfully saved the miners.

In the first 6 chapters, the first idea that came to my mind first was the strong relationship between the miners and their families. It must be really hard for their families to see the miners trapped underground. And they are the people who cared about the miners the most.

When the story came to chapter 8, more and more issues were going on with the miners and the rescue plan.  The main idea I found out here is everyone working together can overcome difficulties. Everyone wanted to save the miners so they has the same goal and they tried their best to save them. This world wide rescue was the main attention at that time.

After reading the whole book, I noticed that hope was something the miners and the people above always had. They kept trying so they can succeed, and no one is giving up. So one theme I found out here is to always keep hope.

This book might be interested to all people who wants to know more about rescuing and the nature. I doesn’t have that much storyline, however, it contains a lot of informational story happens in the real life.

Thank you for reading my blog post about the book Trapped.

The Awful Day of June

The poem was found in paragraph 70 to 90 in the short story “The Tuesday of the Other June” by Norma Fox Mazer. The internal conflict of this story is person vs. Person, and the protagonist in this story is June, the antagonist is the other June. This story has 2 conflicts, my found poem was based on the second conflict. The first one is June met the other June at the swimming pool, the other June bullied her because they have the same name. June called every Tuesday “The Awful Day” because it’s the day they have swimming class together. June thought if she moves to another place, she’ll get rid of the other June. The second conflict in this story is she met the other June in her new street. In school, the other June ordered June to be her slave. And June thought that she can’t be like this anymore. In the end of the story, June finally stands up for herself.  

My design for my found poem is based on the topic of this story. I added an icon of a group of people bullying another person. This shows how the other June bullies June in school. There’s a book because it represents the setting in this story, which is the school.

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