With these three photos from my second set of photographs, I decided to depart from the black and white aesthetic of the first set. To get the best lighting, I photographed my mother in front of a window. One problem with these photoshoots was that the sky was heavily cloudy on the day of the shoot, limiting the amount of light from the outside, resulting in photos that did not turn out as planned. Nonetheless, after taking the photographs, I used Photoshop’s blur filter to blur the background while preserving my subject’s silhouette. I also used Mr. Stewart’s suggestion of shining a light on the subject from the side to reveal their face. Overall, the photos did not turn out as expected, but I think they are still good, even if the weather could have been better. These photographs add to the original set by representing the subject’s thoughts and ideas about freedom, with the second photo showing the subject in a pose that represents freedom and acceptance, and the first and third showing the subject thinking and pondering the concept.