Describe your project
i called this project recreating anime because i recreated many anime moments, however. since i had have no props in my household, i resorted to drawing the props via procreate
what did i learn from this project?
i learned that maybe recreating a anime isn’t exactly a good idea as the style of anime is more of a cartoon while a real person cant exactly recreate that, so many of the photos you would have to draw al lot of things
what can you still improve?
i think i could still improve on more photos but the process of drawing in all of the photos would take a lot more than the time i was given. i think i could also improve the quality of the photos with photoshop
What are you proud about?
i think i am most proud that i am even able to do this project, i definitely at the beginning of the project i did not believe i could even do this project but now i think if i just had one more class to finish this i could have definitely finished