The Cuban Revolution: Balancing Revolutionary Dreams and Reality, Was it a Battle Worth Fighting for?

“Better to die standing, than to live on your knees.” — Che Guevara The Cuban Revolution… a period of five years when revolutionaries aimed to overthrow the corrupt government of Fulgencio Batista, who was widely viewed as a “puppet”of the United States. It was a movement led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, its purpose […]

“Did Lizzie do it? And if not, who did?” — The Undiscovered Truth & Unconscious Bias in “The Borden Murders”

Sarah Miller‘s documentary novel, The Borden Murders: Lizzie Borden & The Trial of the Century, introduces the unsolved mystery of Andrew and Abby Borden’s deaths, who were discovered dead in their home after being struck with an axe. Following a 13-day trial and an accusation of the crime, Lizzie Borden was the daughter of Andrew […]

My Ballet Dream

By:Eva Yin Chapter one:  I remembered how hard I practice before the ballet competition; everything is worth it…   One month ago,    “Ding Ding Ding” the alarm clock rang. It’s 5:50 in the morning, the hardest time of the day is to get up! I sat up on my bed looking int o the darkness and tried to put my legs out of the comforter. Goosebumps covered my […]

Amazing Cup Insulator

What was the hardest thing about this project?​ The hardest thing about this project is making the perfect size circle, we cut at least 10 circles to make the right size. What are new skills you learned in this project?​ One new skill I learnt in this project is to make a prototype(that contains details) […]