
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

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“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

SDG 4  is to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” But there is still a long way for us to achieve it because education around the world is facing different problems. And educations can be very vulnerable in some situations. But if we did achieve SDG 4, other SDGs will also improve. Because education help people to think and to be flexible etc. Education to everyone will benefit to entire society.

Jacob Min 2023 Capstone Project

French Revolution Journal

Go to this Sway

French Revolution


Time Manage

In now day some of the teenagers usually spent a lot of time on their electronic device for example the average screen time in the United States is 7 hour and 4minutes – 7 minutes more than the global average according to Comparitech data. The split between mobile and computer screen time is almost equal in the US. As a result, too much screen time can lead to obesity, sleep problems, chronic neck and back problems, depression, anxiety and lower test scores in teenagers. Those negative effect will slowly ruin their relationship between their parents, mental health and physical health.

How can we avoid the overuse of your device? Here are some recommendations to help you take control. First, turn off your notifications or schedule times to check your phone, you can avoid when notification instantly draws your attention from your work. Second, take some of the distracting apps off your home screen instead replace it with the apps that could truly help you. Third, don’t take your phone to your bed, It could destroy your sleep quality by distracting you from sleeping also you might have the experience of cannot stop your self from using device, as a result your sleep duration might shrink. If this situation last for a long time it can threaten your physical health.

Companies will find ways to make their user addict to their product, so they can get more benefit from it.  That’s why most of the app designed to lead us to addiction. Why is it so important to manage our time? If we explain it economically I will introduce the attention economy. The attention economy rests on the idea that attention is a scarce resource to compete for. In this digital economy, trade is increasingly built around information rather than physical commodities. However, information isn’t scarce; rather, the limiting factor is human attention. Basically is using our time (scarce resource) wisely. We can use our time on things that more valuable to your self and to others, use your time to interact with people from real life and contribute to society.

Gun Control

Gun Control

sling shot arcade


This is our sling shot arcade we did put a lot of effort. I was responsible for the cardboard cutting I failed many time I can’t cut the thing that I want until I can cut this really well.

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