Top 3 .

These photos convey people’s disappointment in the world and thus deny themselves and dare not show themselves, which can be expressed in complex facial expressions and some details. Details include props and lighting. They speak of people’s disappointment and shyness with themselves. The facial expression proves their feelings (disappointment, denial), the mask presents camouflage, dare not show themselves. While taking these photos, I learned to use different lighting when conveying emotions in the photos, and learned to adjust the camera to focus on the upper body of the subject (eyes, face…). . Compared to previous assignments, I learned to focus on the subject I wanted to capture.


This is one of the best photos. When the audience sees the photo for the first time, their eyes will also be attracted to the atmosphere created by the lighting, the lost expression, the empty eyes all present the theme. In addition, the lighting sublimates this atmosphere by two different lights hitting the face. This shows the contradiction of people, unable to truly recognize themselves. This can be applied to a real scenario where it tells of a person’s confusion.


In contrast to the other photos, this one has none of those fancy lights, just his face. The story told in this photo is no different from the first one, showing people’s self-denial, failure and pretence. But the difference is that I chose to change the color of this photo to black and white and remove the fancy lighting so that people will only notice the subject I am presenting when they first see this photo. This kind of photo will resonate with people, disappointment in themselves, self-denial and so on.


This photo is completely different from the other two, there are no fancy colors or black and white, only one color “red”. And this photo is trying to say something different. When people see this photo for the first time, it’s scary because he’s covering one eye, and underneath we doesn’t know if he’s laughing, angry, sad, upset, or not showing himself. And with the blessing of the red light, it looks even more terrifying.

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