Capstone vid

Why do we bake cookies and cook bacon

PD6 blog post


I made a case for my rosin and tuner, which are tools used in music, in class and I took 2 extra classes to finish, I felt like the project was relatively successful. The first thing I did was think of an idea, and I decided to make a case for my rosin and tuner. Then I made a rough first draft with some designs of my favorite hobbies, which include chess, badminton, and music. After adding fingers and running it through LightBurn(an app used to turn models into 3d printable models), I sent my .lbrn2 file(the final file containing what I needed to be printed) in for cardboard printing. However, the design team printed wood instead and so I had to work with that. My next step was to improve it. I added inside sections to my case and revamped the top part and bottom part to accommodate the changes. Due to the design team taking 2 weeks to print my parts, I was forced to use them as my final pieces, even though they were imperfect.


Throughout the process, I learned many new skills. I learned things such as how selecting was different if you dragged it differently, how circles and rectangles worked together to make unique shapes, and how to use Fusion 360 overall. For example, the trim function has been invaluable to me ever since I began making designs, as it could turn circles and quadrilaterals into anything. My bishop design was particularly hard, as I had to draw out proportions first and cross-reference it to photos.



For new students, I recommend placing a few shapes and just testing out pretty much every feature, just to get to learn the ropes a bit, since merely describing them won’t really help.

If I could go back, I would spend less time on the designs and just get the core done. I think I spent several classes improving/changing designs when they were already good enough. Had I used that time on printing, I would be done by now.

I think the course was overall pretty good, but there are a few aspects I didn’t really enjoy. For example, most days the assistants would be overwhelmed with 4-5 kids, and they would have to wait for each other to finish. This isn’t really an efficient use of time and could be greatly improved with a schedule/sign up sheet for times.

Fast Food Blog

I have recently read the book Chew on This by Charles Wilson, and I learned many facts about fast food, such as how it was made, its history, and why it’s unhealthy. It mainly explained how the workers and animals used to make McDonald’s are mistreated and how you’re tricked into wanting to eat more.


The average american high school

I wrote a found poem of “The Fan Club” by Rona Maynard showing the conflicts and some characters. What happened in the original story was Diane and the bullies making a sarcastic fan club for Rachel Hortensky, who didn’t dress and act like them. Diane also offers the mc, Laura, a chance to join in, and Laura joins because she’s under lots of pressure. In the found poem, I included most of the parts where they’re making fun of Rachel, such as during her presentation”‘Bet she got it at Woolworth’s’…’or in a trash dump'”(Maynard par 51-52) and also after the bell rings. I also added where Laura joins in at the end, because that seems to have a big effect on Rachel, and I can tell from “Rachel’s stricken look”(Maynard par 60). I also got the big image and most of the meaning across. I believe the theme of the original story is character vs society, because it shows Laura wishing that the bullies weren’t so mean, and also when she’s given the choice by Diane. However, in the found poem, I decided to focus more on Rachel and the bullies, and only included Laura in the end, because I think she’s the narrator, but she isn’t that relevant in the story itself. I put the white card as an image because I think that’s where the story climaxed.

Product Design Reflection

What’s the first song you’ll listen to on the speaker and why?

“Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows” because I can het my sister over there and show my speaker her and then we can use it to annoy out parents.

If you could start over from the beginning, what would you change?

I would change the original button area into one longer, smaller hole that fits perfectly because I messed it up this time and had to change button areas.

Explain what was the most important decision you did and why it was the most important.

For me, it was the painting because it was irreversible(I know I can cut out more wood but that’s wasteful) and it kind of signified that I was close to finished.