Hiroshi Sugimoto

5 Characteristics of Pictures by Hiroshi Sugimoto

All of the pictures are black and white, or the color is only on the object which is focused on. They are all indoor designs, not shooting outdoor buildings. Most of them are photography exhibitions, and the photos in the collections are very similar. There are also filming places similar to theaters, all in black and white. There are apparent straight lines instead of curved ones.

Total Analyzing the Pictures by Hiroshi Sugimoto.

Hiroshi Sugimoto’s works have an unmistakable style and focus on capturing indoor scenes. Most results are about paintings at art exhibitions or photography in theaters or large spaces.

Why I chose this photographer

I chose this photographer because his style aligns with the black-and-white minimalist style I aspire to. And it clearly indicates different themes and does not confuse people. And he is not entirely black and white; some of his shots of exquisite paintings are in color. The background is black and white, which also creates a perfect contrast.

A Quote

“I’m inviting the spirits into my photography. It’s an act of God.”
–Hiroshi Sugimoto

I chose this quote because he expressed all his emotions about photography, which explains why his works are so stylish. It helps me understand that he likes to take pictures of spotless things instead of messy ones.


Red Picture


I mark this picture as a “red” picture because I think this picture looks good. It shows lovely shapes. The shape will have different looks from different angles. In my grade, the body will look more extensive on the left and smaller on the right. When I photograph the body in the center front, it will all be in one size. The part of the sky also gives the picture a highlight, and the image is not dull anymore. The decorations of the photograph could be analyzed as the streetlights, cars, and trees. All these elements are from a nice view.

I mark this picture as a “red” picture because I think this picture looks great. It shows the roof of the building and also the sky. The top of the building is not regular lines; it is like a triangle. The building at the back is in red, which also has an acho with the window of the second building in the photo. The weather in the picture is not a good sunny day, but it still has an intense light. Which provides a contrast with the buildings. The color element of green from the trees also gives the picture more features.

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