The Quiet Power of Introverts

Quiet Power presents the strengths of introverts and their unique ways of handling situations. This book is a mixture of different stories about introverts from divergent countries and how they act in school, work, and with their family. Susan Cain, the author of this book, is an introvert herself and provides the readers with a variety of information about people like her. Through the experiences of many young adults, people will know more about introverts and their thoughts. Introverted people are crucial and helpful to the society, so everyone should treat them with respect just as how they treat extroverts. Quiet people have many great opinions on the world, it is just important for everyone to acknowledge each other’s thoughts. If you want to know more about introverts, you can read this book!

Children's books - sarahlouiselondon


This is my notebook page from the first day of class. We were investigating the central idea and the theme of our reading-club books. My first idea of Quiet Power is that introverts should be honored as well as different kinds of people. Even though introverts are usually shy and quiet, they have great ideas in their minds that can influence the society.

This is my notebook page from day 4. We were digging deep into how the author show the ways introverts act in school.

This is my notebook page from day 5 of class. We were doing a group speech/debate about the reason why introverts are going to become more successful in the society. I have two evidence supporting my reason which deliberately conveys the message that there are many introverts who achieved great things, such as Rosa Parks.

Thank you for reading my blog post! If you are interested in this book, I recommend you to read it because either you will know more about yourself or you will know more about people who are completely different from you.



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