Lost in the Antarctic by Tod Olson is about sailors in an expedition to the Antarctic. Antarctic was a very mysterious and was a not-known place in the world. Even Uranus, the second furthest planet in the solar system was discovered before Antarctica. The expedition starts in 1914 with 2 boats : Endurance and Aura. The Endurance starts from England to Buenos Aires, to South Georgia Island and to Vahsel Bay. The Aura goes to Tasmania to Ross Island. The people on both boats will walk through the Antarctica and meet at the South Pole. They started to find sailors to the expedition and every people joined with different reasons. Some felt seasick and some felt alright. Do you think that their expedition will finish well?
My first theme is “hard conditions” since the expedition was to Antarctica the coldest place on Earth and also not known place at that time. They really had a hard condition because of the freezing cold weather, seasickness and aloneness. They also had a trouble of the boat gettin stuck in the ice.
This quote(page 118)shows the situation of the boat and the sailors’ feelings about.
My second theme is “disobeying”. Mcnish, a character in the story, tried to start a rebellion. He didn’t liked the conditions and the captain so started to disobey to the captain. The captain told to him about his poor comportment and that he would be legally punished when they return to England. The captain made a great decision to collect all the sailors at one place and presented to them that they would be legally punished when they return to England if they don’t obey to him and if they start a rebellion. By this conversation, everyone stopped of disobeying and fortunately the risk of rebellion disappeared.
This is the image from my notebook that shows that they should respect and listen to the person in charge.
Thank you all for reading this blog and if you are interested in this book, you can try to read it because i highly recommend this book to people who like adventure. You can also watch the movie Against the Ice!
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