November 17


I chose this photo because it shows a great use of  close up photo. The movement of the smoke, and the person made the photo feel very deep, it also make the photo look like that there is a strong story behind the person. as the fascicle expression of the person is very Preoccupied and the movement of the smoke made the photo look mystery but still have a sense of hope in it, because of the light of the person’s eye. this photo also connected with my idea of showing nowadays people end up only showing the good or best side of themselves, which might let us forget the imperfect of everyone because the person in the photo clearly shows the “imperfect” mentally and physically. the photo also connected with my artist who also took close up photo.

I chose this photo because it shows a great use of  close up photo. the movement of the person and the way how he is staring at the camera, but the small doesn’t look fake made the photo look like that the person is not aware of the camera which made the photo feel very natural. the light and shadow in the photo also made more layer in the photo. this photo also connected with my idea of showing nowadays people end up only showing the good or best side of themselves, which might let us forget the imperfect of everyone because the person in the photo clearly shows the “imperfect”, but still have a very pleasant expression. the photo also connected with my artist who also took close up photo.

I chose this photo because it shows a great use of  close up photo. the wrinkle of the person’s face, and the kind and chill factual expression made the person and photo feel cordial. and the way that the photo is so zoomed in made the persons hat very detailed, which made the photo exquisite. this photo also connected with my idea of showing nowadays people end up only showing the good or best side of themselves, which might let us forget the imperfect of everyone because the person in the photo clearly shows the “imperfect”, but still have a very pleasant expression. the photo also connected with my artist who also took close up photo.

Posted November 17, 2023 by Maggie in category Uncategorized

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