September 26

SET 1, PART 1: Select an artist – blog post 9

30 st. Mary Axe at Night I

Skyward City, London

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Broadway Honeycomb, London


looking up – Northern & shell building

Looking up-up-Lloyd’s Building at night


Kogod Courtyard Canopy II


Linear Facade, MIT


The symmetry Above

the photos all have great use of light, high contrast, black and white, geometric patterns, and the photographer’s choice of distance to their subject. This photo makes me feel like that It is very advanced because of the use of black and white color. It is also very mysterious because we can’t really tell what it is If we don’t look closely at it. Andrew Prokos is a New York City-based fine art and architectural photographer. His fine art photographs incorporate architectural elements and sweeping natural and urban views. Andrew’s cityscapes of New York and other locations are composed of numerous meticulously-captured high-resolution images. I choose this photographer, because since I want to take close up photo of the building in black and white, and geometry pattern Andrew Prokos has also been taking these kind of photo.