August 29

abstract photography- blog post 1

What do you think is meant by “Abstract photography can be defined as capturing images in which the subject isn’t the most interesting element”?

  • this meant that the element doesn’t really need to be abstract in order to take an abstract photo.  the main focus should be more on the photographing part. using different perspectives, movement, and light to make the photo.

questions: Are there rules when taking an abstract photo?

August 21

wrong photos

  1. What is the purpose of rules in photography? : to guide people, on how to make a good photo
  2. What are (some of) the most important rules in photography? : main focus, each object should connect to each other.
  3. when will be a great idea to deliberately break the rules?: when you are making new rules of your own
  4. do you think it possible to break rules if you don’t know they exist: it is possible because when it comes to creativities in art, people make new rules without knowing it.