The idea behind these series of images is the work that is done behind the scenes, how much people give out, and how much they are doing/contributing to events where no one sees them. Although they might not be the spotlight or main characters, they are definitely the most hardworking and deserve more recognition. I learned to explore/scout out spots before I took pictures, this means that I have a clear image of my goal.

The artist that I looked at was Vladimir Antaki, he’s known for using a wide-angle lens to capture people doing work in their work environments. I basically followed Antaki’s path and recreated some of his photos in the school.

Composition: They do as the subject is in the middle and everything (layers) leads to the subject.

Attention: Eyes are drawn to the center as the layers unveil to display the subject in the middle of the photo.

Distractions: Some of the layers are colorful or unique and may distract viewers from the subject or middle of the photo.

Story Telling: It is very direct and straightforward that you can see it’s a worker working in their workplace/environment. Through deeper analysis, there are deeper meanings that can be revealed such as the use of lighting, etc.

Emotion: The emotion displayed are neutral as the audience will have their own interpretations to what is going on and how the subject is feeling.