Idea 1: The Other Side of the Withered Flower

My initial thoughts on this was to create a reflection of a flower (like a rose) through a mirror that is rested against a wall. I wanted to compose the picture so that on the reality side of the mirror someone will be holding the flower (only the hand and the flower is shown) and on the reflected side of the mirror there will be like a withered branch with no flower pedals on top of it. this concept was originally supposed to be through a shadow that was casted on a wall, but with this new reflecting theme, this would also be quite a cool way of taking this photo.

This idea could also work on a surface of water where the water is really reflective and clear, we could also have red water or whatever color of water dripping from the branch of the flower itself that breaks the surface of the water while still being able to see the withered branch on the reflected side.

Idea 2: Through the broken surface

For this idea we could have a mirror that has like a hole through it or a water surface (now that I mentioned water I figured that water was probably the best way to go), and we’ll have a person or a object go halfway through the mirror/water on the reality side. and on the reflected side, we’ll have something else that appears, like the object has been transformed in some way.

Idea 3: Beneath the lenzes

In this composition the camera is focused on the lenx of another camera that has a slightly bigger lenz. And in the reflection on the surface of that lenz could be a person or a scene that would look amazing through a reflection. This could show that the photographer really enjoys beautiful scenes or they love the amazingness of humanity.

Idea 4: A Moon in a Puddle

For this composition we are going to take a photo, a close-up, of a puddle of reflective water during nighttime. The moon and the city would be the main focus of this picture, and. it would only appear inside of the reflected side of the water, and would not be seen on the reality side. The reality side would be composed of the city’s nighttime like the skyscrapers and cars and stuff. The reflected side of the water would only show the moon and the top of the skyscrapers.

Idea 5: The Bridge Between Day and Night

Basically idea 4 but the reality side is another photo of the city at daytime and the reflected side is still nighttime.