Idea 1: A Reflected City

This is one of my favorite types of photos to take, because it really give me a sense of a reflected beautiful reality, where the place above the reflection is in contrast of the place in the reflection on the ground. I would like to take this in like a alleyway, that would be best because it is a sort of confined space that we can decorate to give a mood of whatever we really like, and there would be a puddle of water on the ground that is reflecting not the alleyway, but like a contrast to whatever we put in the alleyway. Here’s a example of this type of photo below:

I really love this type because one, it looks really symmetric even though the content in the reflection is different from the reality side. Two, there are so many different ways we could take these photos because all we really need is a beautiful place and a water bottle. Three, I can compose this photo however I like, by replacing the original reflection with all sorts of different cool pictures (that I will take).

Here is another example of this type of picture:

Theme for Idea one:

  1. These photos could present the audience a theme of contrast between the urban society and the rural society. Although this would be difficult to take in school, it could be a really great theme to present to not just the class but also the school. These photos can show us that there is a increasing difference between the life styles of the rich and the poor.
  2. Another idea that this type of photo can bring to people is the vast variety of culture in the world. In the reality side of the photo we can have for example, a photo of Beijing, and in the reflection there can be like pictures of the city during a festival, or showing the culture and religion of the city or country in the photo.
  3. The last idea that these photos can tell us is time. In the reality side there can be a photo of a country in modern day, and then in the reflection it is the same country but decades back, or the other way around. The only real issue that this theme would bring is that I would only be able to do one side of the picture and the other side would have to be from online.