
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Michael (page 3 of 4)

Photography II composition practice

Photography II blog post

This is the first photo that I chose for my blog, it used the composition of the depth of field, with one person standing closer to the camera than the other. Perspective is also used in this photo to create an interesting image; we had the camera really close to the ground, so the person that was closer to the camera would look kind of massive, and the one further away was smaller.

I guess I could have improved this photo by lowering the brilliance and brightness of the image and darkening the room further, since the dragon that the white doll is riding is still really bright and some of the menacing details couldn’t really be seen well enough.

This is the second photo that I chose, using shadows as a cool way of showing the huge size of a dragon compared to a person.

I decided, instead of using the composition of balance, I used imbalance, making the shadow of the dragon really huge compared to the tiny person that knelt in front of the massive shadow.

The issue with this was that the lighting and the angle was really difficult to get right, Thomas and I had to borrow Mr. Stewart’s phone to get the difference between the shadows.

The angle of the dragon was also just bit off because the way we held it in our hands by the tip of the tail, it was shaking too much that this was our best photo.

Save the Animals, Save the Planet, Save Yourself.

I am most proud of the editing that I did for the video, I never edited such a big video and I never fitted the frames to the music.


Hi there reader! Patríce Salamander Roché speaking here. Today I have a lovely little story that I want to share with you just there. Right below here. I was a part of the French revolution. I belonged in the first estate and had a happy life. For a long time, I didn’t have to worry about anything. I could start my day with a lovely cup of tea and end the day with jug of rum. Little did I know, that very soon I will take a big part in the Revolution that is set for the future. Little did I know that I will be responsible for the death of the very man that ruled this place. The Man that I trust.

Are you ready to step into my shoes and stand by my side in my adventure? Then climb aboard and get ready for a fierce and treacherous ride into the unknown.

Before the French revolution, we lived in a world that was ruled by one leader. We were split into three parts, three societies, and we were not full, we didn’t feel complete. It was a unjust and near dystopian-like world. Especially for the third estate. THe pain that they had to go through, for the people who lived through it, the pain was described as excruciating. I could hardly imagine what that would feel like. For the others, well, i’d say that they are far gone into the heavens and could escape this hell of a country.

During this revolution people saw hope. It is when everything falls apart like a building during a earthquake, the building is everything we have built, believed, and wished that would come true. It is when that building is on the verge of collapsing, that some magic keeps it together. That is Hope. We are kept together by what we believed that should happen. This time people were fighting for that they believed, to the death and for the future. everyone wants to live to see another day. but one might just have to sacrifice their sunrise for thousands of others to see that beautiful sight. In this time we fought for us, the true citizens of France. I’ve once heard someone say that when you see something that you don’t like, you could change it, or you could adapt to it, because complaining does no good. We didn’t want to adapt to this environment.  And we wanted change. I know that the people could do this. we were the people that could make change, for the better and beyond.

At the end of the revolution, after hundreds of our long and short shots had paid off, we saw what we pictured. A better France. Although we still have one leader, this leader was much better. I’d say that there were more successes than failures. We had achieved our goals, and generations to come will not suffer as much as we did. Let’s hope that this change is permanent.

Because I know, that it will be.

The Revolution that found it;s way back to itself.

Before the french revolution, people, or should I say, 80 percent of the people, called the third estate, suffered through a long and treacherous time, where French was a monarchy. The third estate was treated very badly, and the first and second estate held all the power. The third estate paid all the taxes, did all the work, and didn’t earn much money. This is what caused the French revolution. The people were unhappy under the rule of Louis XVI. They didn’t like the differences between the social classes. Some may argue about the success of the revolution, and if it was worth it or not. In the video below, major events of the French Revolution are featured. Watch it yourself to find out.


Fatal Typhoid Mary Mallon and George Soper’s Decontamination Investagaion

Photo found on Google, click here to see.

             Fatal Fever, by Gail Jarrow, explains how water contamination and one single person could lead to massive outbreaks happening all over America. The story happened in the late 1800s (1870), when the typhoid fever first infected people in the United States. One of the biggest problems at the time was water contamination. People rarely drink boiled water, they would take water straight from a lake that was appointed by the government and drink from it. Mary Mallon is an American woman in her 40s, I think. She works for rich people as a cook and as a part-servant. She doesn’t know or believe that she has typhoid fever, however, Mary has it. She shows no signs of any sort of symptoms or infection in her body and seems to be a healthy person. Every time somebody that she works for get sick, she will almost instantly quit her job and move on to the next house. She believes that the people that she worked for got typhoid in some other way, and they were going to infect her, therefore she forfeited her job. Read on if you would like to explore Mary’s fate in this world of death and disorder…


Below is my first page, made on lesson 3. It is a sequence of events that happened to Mary Mallon throughout the book. I figured out a theme at the end of the page, it’s kind of like a lesson that we should all learn from Mary’s actions and consequences. Because I kinda ran out of space, I did not manage to fit in one of the things that happened. But keep in mind that Mary got caught and put in a hospital on a island for the rest of her life. See my ideas below:


For this next page here, made on lesson 4, I decided to consider the water contamination that was mentioned before Mary in the Book. I looked at all of the things that got affected by the water contamination. For this page, I found out that the problem here (central idea) is that in a lot of places over america at the time, people were not drinking boiled water. Instead, they were drinking from a appointed river or lake that was near their town/city. If that one lake got contaminated, it basically meant that every single person that drank from that lake will get Typhoid fever.


This page was made on lesson 7, it shows how Mary Mallon could be connected to the contamination of the water that was drank in the cities. It also shows how mary infects her victims. It was sort of a disgusting thing to write about, I gotta say. By the way, Did you know or believe that people in the early 1900s didn’t wash their hands before cooking food or eating? That was a major problem that had to be fixed in America at the time.


This last page here, made on lesson 11, just emphasizes the severeness of the Typhoid fever. It also shows why Mary really needs to be contained and not let out of the island and the hospital. Look for yourself how bad the infection could get:


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I am 98.6% sure that I will throw cash at artworks.

According to the infographic, I an 98.6 percent Humanist. That is because I am really supportive for the Ideas that they have. I think that humanists can improve the would really well.


This is made from Canva.

Yellow Green and Blue Futuristic Organization Process Timeline Infographic by Michael

Lost BASS, lost GIRL




















The found poem above was taken from page 4 of the short story called the bass, the river, and Sheila Mant by W.D. Wetherell.  It shows the character versus Himself conflict between the protagonist, and his own decision making. During the rising action of the story, this conflict illustrates The Protagonist’s frustration with deciding whether or not he will try to get the fish (the largest Bass he as ever caught), while at the same time struggling to keep up a conversation with Sheila Mant, who doesn’t like fishing.  In this passage, The protagonist has to choose between pulling the rod to get the fish and ruin his relation with Sheila, or keep the relationship with Sheila and abandon the fish. “I could see the way her hair curled down off her shoulders, the proud, alert tilt of her head, and all these things were as a tug on my heart. Not just Sheila, but the aura she carried about her of parties and casual touching and grace. Behind me, I could feel the strain of the bass, steadier now, growing weaker, and this was another tug on my heart, not just the bass but the beat of the river and the slant of the stars and the smell of the night, until finally it seemed I would be torn apart between longings, split in half.”

Lip Balm #2

Feed Back:

Mom: It is very smooth, oily, and the scent is too strong.

Dad: It smells too strong, smooth and soft.

Andy: The smell is too strong, but otherwise it’s good.

Grandma: Like the taste, but too soft, easy to finish it all.

Grandpa:  Doesn’t smell anything to me, but it is smooth.





It is very smooth, but it might be too oily and maybe add a little less essencial oils.

Ms Rebecca Says that it’s too soft.


New procedure:


5 drops of Vanilla essential oil

Turns into 3drops.

7g of beeswax

Turns into 10g.

New recipe:

1.5g coconut oil

0.5g almond oil

2g beeswax

0.3g shea butter

0.2g honey

Bluetooth speaker reflection

I am most proud of the circle that is outside the speaker box. because that is basically what I spent the most effort on, both the staining and math. i had to make the little sticks that hold on to the speaker box exactly the length of the distance between the circle and the speaker.


if i can start from the beginning, I would cover up the wires a bit more and the chip. I would also make some stabilizers to stable the circle to the box with the chip in it.


I think that I got better at the technical sketch in the course of this project.


This is my cardboard arcade game.

one of the biggest obstacles is the gear inside, it was very hard to make.

one piece of advice that I would like to give to the future designers is that USE YOUR TOOLS CAREFULLY!!!

overall, i think this project was unsuccessful because we didn’t finish it…

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