Michael Chen (2009 Beijing, China), makes photos and drawings 🙂
I always likes my photos and drawings to have some sort of abstractions and fantasy feeling to them, rather it’s a mystical atmosphere or characters that are in a fantasy world, these sort of photos and drawings I do enjoy doing. I also enjoy creating artworks and pictures that have interesting angles, usually I would take photos with a high level of depth in field, because having the background really blurred gives the main object a really huge amount of focus, letting the audience really see the main concept in the photo clearly.
My works often show their intentions quite clearly while also having a deeper meaning to the things inside the picture or drawing. I would use landscape and portraits without using more of one than the other. Getting a interesting but beautiful shot was always, for me, more important than getting a image that holds the main object.
my favorite quote that I love:
“not all stories have happy endings, but a happy ending, could only happen after a story.”
Michael chen, student in international school of Beijign
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