Hi there reader! Patríce Salamander Roché speaking here. Today I have a lovely little story that I want to share with you just there. Right below here. I was a part of the French revolution. I belonged in the first estate and had a happy life. For a long time, I didn’t have to worry about anything. I could start my day with a lovely cup of tea and end the day with jug of rum. Little did I know, that very soon I will take a big part in the Revolution that is set for the future. Little did I know that I will be responsible for the death of the very man that ruled this place. The Man that I trust.

Are you ready to step into my shoes and stand by my side in my adventure? Then climb aboard and get ready for a fierce and treacherous ride into the unknown.

Before the French revolution, we lived in a world that was ruled by one leader. We were split into three parts, three societies, and we were not full, we didn’t feel complete. It was a unjust and near dystopian-like world. Especially for the third estate. THe pain that they had to go through, for the people who lived through it, the pain was described as excruciating. I could hardly imagine what that would feel like. For the others, well, i’d say that they are far gone into the heavens and could escape this hell of a country.

During this revolution people saw hope. It is when everything falls apart like a building during a earthquake, the building is everything we have built, believed, and wished that would come true. It is when that building is on the verge of collapsing, that some magic keeps it together. That is Hope. We are kept together by what we believed that should happen. This time people were fighting for that they believed, to the death and for the future. everyone wants to live to see another day. but one might just have to sacrifice their sunrise for thousands of others to see that beautiful sight. In this time we fought for us, the true citizens of France. I’ve once heard someone say that when you see something that you don’t like, you could change it, or you could adapt to it, because complaining does no good. We didn’t want to adapt to this environment.  And we wanted change. I know that the people could do this. we were the people that could make change, for the better and beyond.

At the end of the revolution, after hundreds of our long and short shots had paid off, we saw what we pictured. A better France. Although we still have one leader, this leader was much better. I’d say that there were more successes than failures. We had achieved our goals, and generations to come will not suffer as much as we did. Let’s hope that this change is permanent.

Because I know, that it will be.