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Author: Miles

Fractured Liberties – Humanities Capstone Film

This is the film I have created with my friends for the end of year humanities capstone video.

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Capstone Project: SDG 8

This is my report for G8 Humanities Capstone Project. I have decided to research about SDG 8: Decent work and Economic growth.

Miles Tian 8-6 Capstone Project

French Revolution Journals

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“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!” The French Revolution in Plain English

The French Revolution, beginning in 1789 and believed to have ended in 1794, was for the change of the rule of France, from absolute monarchy to republic. Through 5 educational seminars, we learnt about many causes and effects of the revolution, as well as many important figures such as King Louis XVI and Maximillien Robespierre. At the end of this series of seminars, we were asked to create an educational video about the revolution, including the main causes, effects and events of the revolution.

The French Revolution changed an unfair socio-political system which put a majority of French citizens in unfair and harsh living conditions known as the Ancien Regime as well as changing the way of rule in France, introducing a constitution and the work of a Republic. Main events of the French Revolution include the Estates General, the Storming of the Bastille, the Reign of Terror, as well as many others, all explained in the video created by myself.

Attached below is a hyperlink, leading to the video I have created.


Google It: Main Ideas and Themes

“Google It” by Anna Crowley Redding is a book about the journey of now worldwide search engine, “Google.” It shows the beginning of the relationship of the founders, Larry and Sergey, and how they found solutions to big problems in creating this search engine. Hidden within the lines, you can see the internal issues within the company, a main issue being the idea of whether to value beliefs or money, an especially difficult decision when having financial problems as a small company.

I really enjoyed this book and learning about the roots and beginnings of such a big company and I hope that you can see several main ideas and themes of the book in my notes below.

As seen in the introduction, one of the first issues that I came across was Larry and Sergey’s decision between beliefs and money. This issue can be seen all throughout the book and I have written down quotes from different sections of the book showing this.

The first section of this notebook page expands onto the previous idea and also shows that Larry and Sergey chose to value their beliefs over the money presented to them. There are many areas in the story where they chose to value their beliefs and I have written down the page numbers to those areas. The second section of the page has a small theme which is to “Have fun” with what you do. The book shows all the fun little things that Google did, such as April Fool’s, and how it benefited them overall.

A large part of the story is the many deals that Google went through with but also the deals that they pulled out of. This notebook page shows the causes of Google pulling out of a big deal with China and the effects of that.

I created this notebook page as a small summary of a couple main issues and ideas in the story such as their financial difficulties and privacy leaks. I used arrows to link these main issues and ideas to creative solutions that Larry and Sergey used to overcome them.

Thank you for looking through my notes and I hope that they can help you develop a larger idea of the story. If you are interested in this book you could Google more about Google’s history or look at this small summary of the book.

Am I a Humanist?


Am I a Humanist? by Miles Tian

Definition of Humanism:

Humanism in perspective:

Heartless Smiles… Humanities Found Poem -Miles Tian 8-6

Link to Found Poem


This found poem was created with paragraphs 22-27 of the story “The Fan Club” written by Rona Maynard. Many of the words that I selected, such as laughter and heartless smiles, show the cruelness of the antagonists of this story, the bullies, and the effect that their actions have on others. For example, some of the words that I selected were the bullies’ actions and others such as “slumping in her seat” and “so false, so pointless” show the effect and reaction of the bullies’ actions, like a cause and effect. Just the thought that the bullies’ were laughing at the protagonist of our story, Laura, caused these negative actions and thoughts.

In the last paragraph, the words I selected show how Rachel Horton is “different” and stands out in a crowd. She is described as a “lumpish, awkward creature” and because of that, the bullies laugh at her. I feel the words that I selected “Little waves of mocking laugher,” can accurately show this.

The background image that I selected shows one colourful green umbrella with gaudy flowers standing out in a crowd of dull black umbrellas. The green umbrella stands out and sometimes that’s a good thing. It also represents Rachel as it has gaudy flowers, similar to the clothing she wears. I made the image slightly blurred, and the meaning of this is that appearance doesn’t matter and it’s about the person on the inside. I feel like Rachel Horton is a good example of this because she is made fun of by the way she dresses, “The gaudy flowers of her blouse,” but is later seen bonding with the protagonist of the story and having a rather fun personality. 

The words that I selected are different in size, font and colour. This is to make these words really stand out but also to further express the message in the paragraph above, that it’s good to stand out sometimes. The white box around my selected words further highlights this.



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