Which ”element(s)” is/are best represented in each of the pictures below?
Compare your images with the drawings. Which ones worked and why?
Which ones didn’t work so well, and why?
This is blog post 6 on DX
1. The main “spirit” of this drawing is that it wants two subjects that are distinct enough that the viewer can draw a “line” in the middle of the photograph and split it in halves. The two halves are each a shape, and could be different because of pattern/texture/value. This layout is quite general, so I think my photograph was able to recreate it quite faithfully. I purposely photographed two subjects with different tones/colors, so it is clear that my photograph is split into half. I also tried to tap into the abstraction part of things and removed context to simply showcase the different colors captured instead.
2. This drawing wants to emphasize a certain shape that breaks the uniformity of the rest of the photograph. Thus, I seemed out a subject that had a grid-like uniformity (bookshelf) and took the magazine off the top right to replicate the “pattern-breaking” element. I think that I managed to find a unique way to replicate this layout, rather than just photograph a light switch on a white wall and let that be the black square. The caveat is that it’s not the most faithful replication, especially because there’s an additional element of line (with the grid like structure) and almost pattern, which was not seen in the template.
3. This template has a focus on texture, as it shows non-uniform particles. I wasn’t sure if we had to replicate the grainy texture or just photograph texture in general, but to be safer, I chose this close-up of raindrops, as it shows non-uniform water droplets, creating a sense of texture. I think it works as the water droplets mirror the dashes in the diagram, but I think aesthetic wise, it is not the most interesting picture.
4. The spirit of this diagram is to capture the formal element of lines, repetition, and shape. I think that I managed to achieve that in my pictures, as I have very strong, clear, horizontal lines. A rectangular shape is shown through the lines, and repetition is shown through the repetition of the same line/shape. I also think that my picture managed to capture other formal elements like texture and tone, through photographing the material of the lines, the dust/paint on it, and its shadows.
5. This diagram mainly has an emphasis on strong vertical lines/shapes. I tried to portray that through a cropped picture of my curtains. Although the lines are not as straight and rigid as in the diagram, I think that it captures the vertical motion. I also included the element of texture in my photo from the material of the curtains. I purposely photographed a crack between 2 curtains, breaking the pattern of the curtain creases to add something interesting to the photo.
6. The element best represented in this diagram is the formal element of shape, as can be seen from the black circle. I think that I replicated the diagram quite faithfully, and in a way that is abstract. However, artistically, I think I could have chosen a more interesting subject or done something with the other “elements”.
7. The element best represented in this diagram is probably a combination of line and shape. Although my lines are not arranged in exactly the same way, I did capture the vertical lines in contrast with the singular horizontal line. My photograph also has elements of tone inside from the shadow on half of the photograph.
8. The element best represented in this diagram is shape (circle) and repetition. I think that my image works quite well, as I was able to replicate the feeling of uniformity with my picture. I also think that aesthetically, it is interesting, because the color of the holes vary from row to row.
9. The element best represented in this diagram is shape (rectangle) and repetition. I think that my photo works, as even though I didn’t photograph a grid, the repeated rectangles create a similar sense of pattern, and the space in between the rectangles create the sense of line.
10. The element best represented in this diagram is line/shape. I specifically looked for a subject that had a strong sense of perspective to photograph. I struggled a bit with this picture, but I think that it managed to replicate the diagram quite well.
11. The element best represented in this diagram is shape. I feel like my photograph worked as I made use of perspective and camera angling to create a similar trapezoid shape. Furthermore, the subject of my photograph (staircase) also added elements such as line, repetition, shape, and texture.
12. The element best represented in this diagram is line/texture. My interpretation of the diagram is that I wants a texture with a strong horizontal feeling, so I took a picture of a dictionary book, as the pages create that feeling of texture. To me, I think that this picture works as a representation of diagram 12.