Welcoming our Fears!

Fears of taking street photography

  • being seen as a stalker/weird for taking pictures of random people
  • being yelled at/chased by angry people maybe holding dangerous implements
  • being looked at weirdly

How to overcome fears of street photography

  • most people in the hutongs don’t care
  • people might look at you weirdly, but they probably don’t actually care a lot if their picture is taken, as long as you take it proper (no weird giggling or looking suspicious and fidgety)
  • Based on experience, if you smile and stuff, people don’t care. If they still look at you weirdly, you can just explain that you’re taking pictures of Beijing for a school project (since the Hutongs are so commercialized with so many foreign tourists, thepeople there are probably extra used to it)
  • Take pictures fast and precise and don’t linger too long
  • don’t try to be sneaky (it doesn’t work with a huge heavy camera), just take pictures comfortably and like you’re doing what you mean to do, and most people won’t bother
  • other people and school chaperones are also on the trip, so there are people to help back me up in case

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