Photo Safari Blog post 6







The picture is split vertically and the colors were exactly half and half.

The left side of the picture is red, and the right side is white. Although there is a slight reflection on the red side.




There is a white square square in the top right of this picture.

The overall background is grey color with a white switch placed at the top right.




This picture is showing the ceiling. There is a certain pattern and filled with very fine circular patterns.




This picture shows many stairs in several straight lines.

A lot of lines are placed horizontally exactly from the left side to the right side of the picture.




In this picture, two vertical lines align the picture.

The two vertical lines make up the picture from the top to the bottom.




In this picture, there is a large yellow circle in the middle of the picture.

The circle is wrapped from the top to the bottom of the picture. Also, the circle is at the center of the whole picture.




This picture was taken of a part of the locker.

This picture has two horizontal lines and two horizontal lines.  All the lines level the picture.




There are many circles in this picture that fit the pattern.

The circles are aligned with the vertical line and horizontal lines.




This picture was taken of a wire mesh. It’s made up of squares of the same size.

The picture only contains same size of squares.




The diagonal line in this picture serves to separate two different backgrounds.

It divides two different backgrounds. The area of the diagonal is not large, but  there are three different backgrounds in this picture.




This picture was taken from a distance by wrapping two walls around that door.

It’s a picture taken far away from a long hallway, and it’s exactly two separate walls.




This picture was taken by magnifying a chair. The tree’s pattern is not constant, but it can be seen that the pattern is composed along the straight line.



This article was written by Miso

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