Hutong Contact Sheet
These are my green photos I took from Hutong streets. As I selected 3 techniques which are “Work on scene”, “Clean background”, and “Look for things out of place/unusual situations”, so I green photos are more focused on pictures I using techniques. “Look for things out of place/unusual situations” is actually very similar style that Robert Dosineau’s photographs. Moreover, in my green photographs, color matches are significant element as I consider as “unusual situation”.
In my yellow photographs, I focused more on color matches as well. For example, 3rd picture’s hat color match with the column on the wall behind, which makes the photograph unique. Also, 7th picture is a photograph of a son and a mother with matching their outfit color as yellow; color of the hat and the cloth are the same and matches the color, so I inserted this photo in my yellow section as well.
I have chosen these three pictures as my red photograph, which are my best 3 pictures which involve techniques I chosen for this trip, and style of Robert Doisneau’s works as well. The reason why I didn’t make my photographs black and white is because I found out that my photographs were focusing on color matches, so making them black and white was considered useless and unhelpful to my further analysis. First picture I chosen is a scene of playing ping-pong, this photo represents Chinese culture as ping-pong is a very popular sport in China particulary for old people. Therefore, this photo of an old man and an old woman playing ping-pong is a good example of showing both Chinese culture and people. The second picture is a picture of a mother and a son. What makes this photograph unique is the colors. The color matches make this photograph very interesting as both of them matched up their outfit. Also, the moment I captured this photograph, the little boy was looking directly into the lens, so that we can look carefully to their faces and emotions. Last but not least, last photo is a man sitting on the bench beside the lake. This man is sitting alone along the lake, with no other elements are disturbing the photograph, which is the techniques I used for the trip.
Red (3 Best Pictures)