Connect: Photo of belongings
How can a single picture represent myself and identity? Except my face, what else can represent myself and identity? What kind of photo can best reveal your identity?Is it possible that my belongings can express my cultural aspects and interests? Through this unit, students can demonstrate themselves in terms of considering their own “Identity.” Identity can be expressed in different ways including clothing, artistic expression, and body language. We may choose to project our culture, personal interests or status through our appearance. However, I was able to find inspiration for “identity” in each person’s objects and belongings. Sometimes, showing the objects and photos that each person cherishes, they can share different cultures and values and fully reveal their identity.
Burning House Project:
Imagine your house is burning down, you only have few things you can take with you and be rescued, what would you take with you? In most cases, I believe you would take something reflects your interests, background, priorities or something that means very important to you. In more detail, “Burning House Project” created by Robert Holden further developed my idea of showing personal belongings and objects which is able to express one’s culture and identity. You may take something that is valuable or an indispensable item in life, such as camera, laptop and old pictures of yourself or families. Many of these projects are personal and based on your own experiences. Therefore, Burning House Project is where people capture their interests by photographing a few items.
Inspiration Images:
Explore people’s culture and interest with their belongings.
Title: Photos of All Ages
This is my final “Identity” project.