This one is about the central idea and themes and also social issues

This one is also about the word choice and tone of world with out fish

this is about the central idea of I Remember Beirut

In this page I write about the central idea and the themes the central idea is that if people over fish it can make fish go extinct.

In the book I Remember Beriut the main character is Acuerdo also is the arther. The book is about East Beirut during the Civil War through the eyes of not only a child, but also involving her family, friends, and slowly coming to some realisations of how life can be during wartime.


And the book World without fish has no main character but it have one in the comic call Ailat the book is about the back-and-forth dynamic of fishermen, who are the original environmentalists, and scientists, who not that long ago considered fish an endless resource. And like how this fish and that fish can be connected.