I decided on the design of the pin because I was pretty stuck on picking a design and this design came to mind.
It is a pin with the design I ❤️ CSS, but with all three elements misaligned. I originally saw this as a meme to poke fun at how annoying it is to properly align things in CSS.
The reason I didn’t choose the other designs was because 1. the two other designs were bookmarks, and I don’t read a lot of books now, and 2. and most importantly, the other two designs were not approved 🙂
originally the battery holder was going to be placed further down and also would have two of the elements aligned, but I realized later that I could get the holder to fit right under the heart and that would also make it easier to sew on, and I also made all three elements misaligned because I thought that would be more funny.
I am very proud that the project worked and lit up immediately after completion, without prior testing.
One thing that was new to me was trying to sew another piece of fabric on top of LEDs and trying to keep them in place.
One thing that was quite hard for me was to properly sew the fabric on top of other electrical components whilst trying to make it look too bulged.
One tip I would like to give students next semester is to try to keep designs simple as well as trying to not change design choices while making the actual thing.
One thing I would like to learn is how to spread LED light and make it look less centered after another piece of fabric is sewn on top so it doesnt look as weird.