I chose to make a bookmark because it is the easiest to make. As someone who is still learning how to sew, making a bookmark is the best I can do. I made a total number of three designs, the other two were discarded because they are too hard to make. The thing that I am most proud of is I finished it, because sewing for me is challenging and I had to redo it many times. I had never learned sewing before this class, so things like running stitch, back stitch and tie on/off are all new things for me. Everything went pretty smoothly for me, the only challenge was I keep poking my fingers with the needle, I overcame it by trying my best to keep tip of the needle away from my hands. I don’t have many tips for students taking this class next semester because I suck at it. The only tip I can give is don’t poke your finger, it hurts a lot.
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