
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Peter (page 1 of 2)

A Struggle for Change

cuban revolution jornal 3 cuban revolution journal entry 1 cuban revolution journal2

This is a historical fiction about our main character writing a journal throughout the Cuban revolution. He will live through Batista’s government, join the rebel army and enjoy the changes made by Castro’s government. He will evolve from a poor sugarcane cutter, to a revolutionary then to a commoner living in Castro’s Cuba.


The revolution was worth it because the money spent annually on healthcare for people living in Castro’s Cuba was one of the lowest in the world. Also, Compared to Batista’s government, the literacy of Cuban people increased a lot after the revolution. Rich people’s land were confiscated and were given to poor people who needed the land. Although Cuba ended up with another dictator after the revolution, at least it ended up with a dictator who cares about the people more than Batista.

Cuban Revolution-A Struggle for Change

Revolutions are wide spread; it usually happens all around a country when it starts. They are usually quick and they bring rapid change to a country. This video will explain the cause, duration and effects of the Cuban Revolution. It explains from how the dictator Batista came to power to Castro’s struggle for change, then to what changed after Castro came to power.

The Big Thirst Summary

The Big Thirst is a nonfiction book about water problems around the world. It talked about  droughts all around the world, water problems in big cities in the middle of a desert, and how people attempted to fix the water problems. It talked about how water made its way to Earth and its history on Earth. It also talked about the presence of water in our daily life, even if we might not notice it.

The main idea I found is when there is not enough water in an area, people will use a lot of resources to attempt to deliver water there. As I read further, the author gave many examples that supports the main idea, here they are:

From the start of the book, I found out a possible theme which is water is everywhere in out lives. As I read further, I found more evidence to support this theme:

Sewable Electronics Summary

Project 1: The first project is to make a bookmark/wristband/pin, I chose to make a bookmark because it’s easier for beginners to do. The first one of my initial idea was to put the letters of my name PETER on the bookmark, the second one was to put the letters BOOK on the bookmark, my third idea was to put the symbol for Wechat on the bookmark. The first two was discarded because they are too hard for beginner. From project 1 I got better at running stitch, back stitch and tie back but I still need more practice on them.

Project 2: Project 2 is to make a bag, it also includes coding. My initial idea is to sew the letters of my name PETER on the bag and the plan got approved right away. I learned a little big of coding before so it wasn’t hard for me, but I still need practice on sewing.

Reflection: Sewing itself was a challenge for me, I did my best to try to sew but it still is not very good. I don’t have tips for the new students because I did pretty horrible myself. In my opinion, this course is is pretty good for most people, no change is needed.

Sewable Electronics

I chose to make a bookmark because it is the easiest to make. As someone who is still learning how to sew, making a bookmark is the best I can do. I made a total number of three designs, the other two were discarded because they are too hard to make. The thing that I am most proud of is I finished it, because sewing for me is challenging and I had to redo it many times. I had never learned sewing before this class, so things like running stitch, back stitch and tie on/off are all new things for me. Everything went pretty smoothly for me, the only challenge was I keep poking my fingers with the needle, I overcame it by trying my best to keep tip of the needle away from my hands. I don’t have many tips for students taking this class next semester because I suck at it. The only tip I can give is don’t poke your finger, it hurts a lot.

Humanity Infographics

I am 60% humanist because I agree with some of the humanist’s ideas and for most of them I don’t agree neither disagree.

The Story Behind a Purse

This found poem was taken from paragraph 19 to paragraph 34 in Thank you Ma’am by Langsten Hughes. There is no conflict in this part; instead, it is a transition part of a man to man conflict earlier in the story where the boy tried to steal a woman’s purse but failed and the woman took him home. And how the woman treated the boy nicely and told him her personal story in later story.

this is my personal narrative


The problem I am trying to solve is to reduce the heat loss. I used things that can reduce heat loss and covered them around the cup. I think if you add something that keeps the heat inside the cup on the cup, it will reduce the heat loss. Because the cup with insulator’s heat loss is less than cup without insulator.

What I am most proud of is the heat loss of the cup with the insulator we made is less than the cup without insulator. What I would do next time is I would try to communicate with my partner.

My cardboard arcade game

For some reasons I can’t get my arcade game’s picture.

My biggest success is a lot of people played our game. If I do this again I will make more important pieces of our game because people trashed some of the pieces. One advice I will give to future student doing this project is make more important pieces of your game because people who played our game trashed some of the important pieces.

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