Project 1: The first project is to make a bookmark/wristband/pin, I chose to make a bookmark because it’s easier for beginners to do. The first one of my initial idea was to put the letters of my name PETER on the bookmark, the second one was to put the letters BOOK on the bookmark, my third idea was to put the symbol for Wechat on the bookmark. The first two was discarded because they are too hard for beginner. From project 1 I got better at running stitch, back stitch and tie back but I still need more practice on them.

Project 2: Project 2 is to make a bag, it also includes coding. My initial idea is to sew the letters of my name PETER on the bag and the plan got approved right away. I learned a little big of coding before so it wasn’t hard for me, but I still need practice on sewing.

Reflection: Sewing itself was a challenge for me, I did my best to try to sew but it still is not very good. I don’t have tips for the new students because I did pretty horrible myself. In my opinion, this course is is pretty good for most people, no change is needed.