
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: revolution

A Struggle for Change

cuban revolution jornal 3 cuban revolution journal entry 1 cuban revolution journal2

This is a historical fiction about our main character writing a journal throughout the Cuban revolution. He will live through Batista’s government, join the rebel army and enjoy the changes made by Castro’s government. He will evolve from a poor sugarcane cutter, to a revolutionary then to a commoner living in Castro’s Cuba.


The revolution was worth it because the money spent annually on healthcare for people living in Castro’s Cuba was one of the lowest in the world. Also, Compared to Batista’s government, the literacy of Cuban people increased a lot after the revolution. Rich people’s land were confiscated and were given to poor people who needed the land. Although Cuba ended up with another dictator after the revolution, at least it ended up with a dictator who cares about the people more than Batista.

Cuban Revolution-A Struggle for Change

Revolutions are wide spread; it usually happens all around a country when it starts. They are usually quick and they bring rapid change to a country. This video will explain the cause, duration and effects of the Cuban Revolution. It explains from how the dictator Batista came to power to Castro’s struggle for change, then to what changed after Castro came to power.

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