Here is my plan for the product. Materials I need to build this product are solar panels, a recyclable box, 4 wooden wheels, 2 batteries, 2 motors, and a switch. I have to use a glue gun to glue the motors to the box and glue the solar panel to the top of the box and glue the batteries inside the box. At the back of the box, I have to add a switch.


The problem I faced with making the product was the power of solar energy was not enough to move the toy car. So I have fixed it. I added 2batteries to move 2motors. And still, I used solar panels to charge the batteries. So the problem is solved. However, I had problem with the diode.


Feb17: Finish sketch and plan everything I need

Feb21: start collecting materials and start working on the product

Feb23: Finish my prototype and get feedback from the teacher and try fixing it

Feb27: Get one more feedback from my peer and teacher, finish my product

Mar1: write reflections and blogs and make sure to check the rubric


What I have done today