Naoya Hatakeyama
Naoya Hatakeyama‘s photos are colorful and gloomy, his creations are all taken with reflection and with water concepts. Water concepts incloode puddles and rain. I really like how all his creations are all really colorful, the first picture is taken from the reflection of a water puddle after rain. The puddle reflects the light of different objects on the streets, street lights, signs, and even reflections from glasses can be caught in the puddle’s reflection. The second picture is taken with a glass, the glass has just been washed with rain. The rain drops on the glass creates multiple reflections of light and color from outside. Outside looks like a lake with cool strips of color in the sky.
Antonio Gutierrez Pereira
Antonio Gutierrez Pereira has a really creative and unique style in photography. A big unique way of his photo styles are the use of reflections. Unlike other photographers, his use of reflections are through glass and mirrors.
Both the two artists use reflections as a material to create their piece. The differences between these two artists is that they use reflections differently. They both use refelctions but their reflections are different. For example, Naoya Hatakeyama uses reflection through glass and with water. Antonio Gutierrez Pereira’s photography takes pictures through glass filled with water, making the focus object in the back seem bigger.
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