
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Capstone Video (A Normal Life) 8-6: Zoey, Miranda, Fay

Here is my capstone video for SDG 10 and 5

The Inequality Pandemic: Why We Need to Treat it Like a Public Health Concern

Hi! This is my research essay for the Capstone Project. I did the project on what I really cared about (and honestly just wanted to try to do a new SDG as I did SDG 6 before)

I hope you like it Mr. Mcneice! (It’s a bit long, but I’m afraid if i cut off words it wouldn’t express all my ideas clearly.)

I believe that all SDG are equally important with all 17 making good impacts on the world. (I went a bit overboard for the LGBTQ+ part as i think is a HUGE issue) (the ending is like a joke if you don’t get it I can explain for you)

SDG Research Essay ZG


Here are some pics that inspired why I did this SDG 10 and 5 in the first place!



Love and the Cuban Revolution (Cuban Revolution Journal Zoey Guan)


Zoey Guan Sway for Cuban Revolution

Cuban Revolution Journal Word ZG G 2

Revolutions are directed at change whether it is economic change, technological change, political change, or social change and usually start when society has failed or no longer served their purpose in their position. This is such case that started the Cuban Revolution. People are forced to a point of revolution as they think non-armed movements are  inefficient. Not only does revolutions reach one goal but rather many goals measured based on the impact it leaves and the applications and implications it has for the future. Revolutions overthrow the established order as revolutions make people noticeable, no longer suffering in the dark, unnoticed by many people . Revolutions were particularly important and necessary for future learning.

Latin American history underwent a significant change with the Cuban Revolution. Fidel Castro led a group of rebels in the beginning, and it culminated in the overthrow of the Fulgencio Batista government in 1959. There were many reasons to why the revolution occurred. The main ones include political, economic, and social factors, such as extreme poverty, inequality, and foreign powers’ exploitation of Cuba’s resources (mostly the U.S.) and the difference between the upper classes of Cuba and the lower classes. Batista’s regime, which persecuted numerous opposition groups and refused to grant citizens their justifiable freedom of speech, was a significant catalyst as well. Castro and the revolutionaries aimed to establish a society that was more just and egalitarian. This leads to the big, debatable question: Did the revolution benefit Cuba or did it cause it even more harm?  

Now Castro consisted of the good, the bad, and the ugly (like most other revolutionaries) many people loved him for his changes made to Cuba and could never forget about his “El Comandante” But we could never forget the legacy Castro left on Cuba. Repression now takes new forms in today’s Cuba. As now people are watched more closely and about their opinions.

 Watch our “Cuban Revolution in Plain English Video” to learn about the Cuban Revolution and decide if you think the revolution benefited Cuba.  Even though Castro changed human rights we can never forget the shadow that it casted over today’s Cuba 

Cuban Revolution in plain english



Made by: Zoey and Yolanda

Maddest “Girl” Reporter

If you ever have an uncommon life, would it be like the life of Nellie Bly? That is such case of Nellie Bly or Elizabeth Jane “Pink” Cochran in Ten Days a Madwomen by Deborah Noyes it is a captivating story that brings us into the life of Nellie Bly, this book is not only about the life of Nellie but it reveals social issues that society still face today. This non-fiction biography takes place in NYC or New York City based in the year 1887. The author guides us through Nellie’s life it sheds lights onto the social issues women face even today.  This story is told from a third person perspective telling about the life and adventures of Nellie Bly giving the reader an outline of the hardships and issues of Nellie’s life. The start of her career and fame began when Nellie Bly goes to Blackwell’s insane asylum, Nellie Bly’s does other journaling success that led her into more fame such as stunt reporting, traveling the world, and reporting on actual war front lines, this book shocks you with its depiction of brutality and violence.

The difficulties faced in Nellie’s journaling life is undoubtably be the theme and central idea. Nellie started from the bottom and fought her way to the top. This book doesn’t avoid challenges but displays the struggles of women who drowned in the mass of people in NYC. Female Inequality is a key issue in the book, it  was affecting women’s personal lives. Nellie’s expose of the asylum on Blackwell’s Island pioneered a path for women in newspapers.

Special shoutout to my book club member Miranda , my best friend WHO ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK and discussed this book with me.

I decided to do a in depth summary the whole book and added conflicts I found in different parts of the book, I kept track of  my reading with summaries of pages I read to each time and kept track of conflicts happening in the book (which will then shape the theme and central idea) As I read on I found a lot of conflicts and central ideas.

This contains some spoilers.   ↓↓↓↓↓ Notes Page #1   (mini lesson on summary)



I was sort of confused when it said how Nellie asked for one million to be paid to the asylum even though Nellie knew it wasn’t going to the patients.  Nellie’s determination on journaling that even with no guarantee  of success showed how difficult it was for her to get such an opportunity.

↓↓↓↓↓ Notes Page #2 (mini lesson on conflicts and how they connect)

I found different conflicts in the book in a mind map to show how each of the conflicts caused one another or connects together with the main issues highlighted in yellow and the page number is evidence from in the book (the main conflicts which I find are) is female inequality and urban mess especially for working class. Some of these issues are found in flashbacks (black pages) and setting of where Nellie is from I really had to connect the pages together to connect better.  This page is in the form of a mind map.

↓↓↓↓↓ Notes Page #3

A central idea I found in my book was social behavior on women needs improvement to improve equality . My initial central idea was societal behavior needs improvement  so I Improved on the statement to make it more specific and clear. The note was in mind map to better connect the ideas in the group but mind maps can be challenging to add more information but it was helpful in connecting different ideas in the book and reviewing the whole book.

Initial central idea/theme ↓↓↓↓ (mini lesson theme)

↓↓↓↓↓ Notes Page #4

Focuses on more specific points and more narrative part of the story. We chose one either (narrative or non-fiction explanatory text) This part is more narrative. Contains spoilers for those who didn’t read the book. 

These are the notes for my book club book”10 Days a Madwoman” again thanks to Miranda who did the book club with me rather than only myself. Overall this book I would recommend if you like non-fiction and can take more non-fiction excerpts. I would give this book a rating of ★★★★☆ four stars because this book is sort of confusing on certain parts and how I had to connect the non-fiction excerpts (black pages)

Thank you for reading my post and taking the time to read my description of each note page. If you are interested in this book check out the book “10 Days a Madwoman,” or a movie (similar to book but only reveals some parts from the book in the movie and is named differently)  (book is more factual and would recommend more than the movie). (Also the movie isn’t very good as you can see from the ratings.)

Post made by Zoey Guan!

Are You a Renaissance Humanist?- Zoey Guan

Are you a renaissance Humanist by Zoey Guan

Are you a renaissance Humanist   by Zoey Guan


Humanism and the Vitruvian Man: Italian Renaissance Analysis



“A typical school”

Found poem


Short story (full)

My found poem

In the story, Laura struggles with two forces whether she should stand up for Rachel or try to fit in/ be friends with Diane and her group. Laura knows that Diane was mistreating/bullying Rachel and felt sorry for her. But she was worried about being bullied along with Rachel if she tries to become friends with Rachel. “Her throat tightened as she thought of Diane and Carol and Steve grinning and waiting for her to stumble. “It describes how she felt nervous/uneasy about giving her speech paragraph 30. She also heard Diane teasing Rachel. I captured the emotions of bullying and the humiliation of being teased and made fun of. I used words such as “unaccepted” and “unwanted” to really describe how terrible it made someone feel to be laughed at and made fun of. I purposely left the applause with the 3 words because the three words shows how Diane and her friends treated Rachel and the applause were meant to hurt Rachel. The background of the poem shows a person being excluded from the rest of the group. I put the text like that so it would be easier to read.  The antagonist of the story are Diane, Steven, Terri, and the protagonist is Laura,  the deuteragonist would be Rachel. This conflict is external.

By: Zoey Guan

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