The American Revolution The American Revolution was a very impactful and intense time for the British and the Americans. Several events affected their people, country, and laws such as the Boston Massacre, The Tea Act, and many other events that… Continue Reading →
It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime is a biography by Trevor Noah that focuses on growing up during apartheid, a segregated and discriminated time, while facing the challenges of being a mixed child, Trevor Noah was born to a black… Continue Reading →
I feel I am 90% Humanist because I believe that we should look at others through their abilities rather than their class, or status. I also believe that even if a situation is falling apart it can always be… Continue Reading →
In this found poem I used pages 2-8 from the story, “Tuesday of the Other June” written by Norma Fox Mazer in 1986. The conflict in this story is person vs person between two girls who have the same… Continue Reading →
Introduction: In this blog I will be talking about my process on making my phone holder. I will talk about how I started off with many ideas, which then resulted in my final idea, learning about different software’s and design… Continue Reading →
My partner for this project was Olivia Noh. Together we created a product called “conessant” and it is meant to solve the problem of a croissant which is that the flakes from the croissant fall off and can make eating… Continue Reading →
One thing I’d like to change was probably the hinge. Since we used duct tape when the marble went down that was the marble kept sticking onto the duct tape so people got a lot of extra go’s because… Continue Reading →
When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have… Continue Reading →
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