Part 1: Develop & Plan

I planned to make a design of a robot on the bag. When the right hand (A5) is touched, its eyes (A4) light up; when the number (A3) is touched, its left hand (A2) lights up. When button A or B(on CPX) is pressed, they play a respective melody and animation. When both buttons A and B are pressed, it plays a song (“Happy Birthday”). The original plan was to add three sensors and three lines of LEDs, but Sophie suggested decreasing it to two because it would be more appropriate for the time we have.

Part 2: Create & Improve

At the start of this course, I didn’t know how to make a working circuit. Over the course, I learned more about how circuits work. At the start of the sewing unit, my sewing was slow and inefficient. I can sew faster and more accurately at the end of this unity. Before this course, I wasn’t familiar with block coding. After this project, I explored more about block coding and its similarities with the language I am familiar with (Python). I may still need to grow in sewing the conductive thread tighter to ensure better connectivity with the LEDs and CPX.

Part 3: Reflect & Share

  1. What were some challenging areas and how did you work through them?
    • Some challenging areas in this project were sewing from the inside of the sling bag and planning how to hide the conductive thread beneath the pieces of felt. I turned the bag half-inside-out so it would be easier to access the inside face of the bag and I paid attention to my plan when I was sewing the conductive thread to ensure they are in the right paths and do not cross.
  2. What tips, tricks, and advice would you give to next semester’s new students? Please, don’t mention online learning.
    • When making a circuit, make sure that the LEDs’ positive/negative ends are in the right trail and check if the colors of the LEDs can work together.
  3. What would you have liked me to change about the course and how it ran in order to make it better? Also, let me know what worked well so I don’t change that bit.
    •   I think that the time given for the initials square sampler could be shorter because that project doesn’t take a lot of time.

*The project isn’t finished as for the date of publication of this blog.